Chapter 20 (Nen)

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Killua's POV*

"Pancakes are done!" Gon spoke bringing a large plate of pancakes and different type of syrups to the table.

"These look great Gon, Thank you." Pika said sweetly.

I grabbed a couple drizzling chocolate syrup over the top of them. I cut a piece off and put it into my mouth.

"Yummmmm!" I squealed.

"Yes what Killua said." Leorio laughed.

"Mm, So what are you guys planning to do today? I think we should talk about what we do from here." Pika spoke.

"I think we all need to get stronger. I over heard my brother talking about something called Nen, and the stages. Seems like something we should look into." I said.

"That sounds like a good idea, we just have to find someone that can teach it."

"We can look at the hunter site now that we can access it. I have to run to the store anyways today so I grab a laptop, for some reason the site isn't accessible on a phone." Leorio pitched in.

"Mm, In the mean time I'll look up anything i can figure out about Nen. Because it its just for hunters I should be able to look it up on the web on my phone." I spoke.

"I'll help Killua." Gon smiled at me.

"Thank you, That would be a big help."

"I have a spare notebook in my bag that we can use to write things down in."
Gon's POV*

It's been quite a few hours since breakfast. We were all researching everything we could find on nen. Kurapika and Leorio was also helping us with the research. I laid on my stomach writing down I few things before pulling out my other notebook to write in.

Hey Aunt Mito! I'm currently at a hotel. Yesterday we went shopping and stopped in a restaurant to get ramen. I had my favorite, pork! I'll have to drag you to Hunter city to try it! I've also tried a chocolate bar my friend showed me and it was sooooo creamy! I'll bring some back to you! Anyways right now we are researching nen. There's a lot that goes into it so far so I'll spare you the details. It will hep us become stronger. Well I should get back to it!

Kurapika stretches and yawns. "I'm getting a little hungry, I think I'm gonna go make some food in my room."

"Okay, We will meet later tonight over there if thats okay, plan on 8pm?" Killua spoke.

"Sounds good to me," Leorio paused, "I need a drink after all this work." He chuckled.

"I feel that. I'll probably have something tonight, if you guys want to join." Pika grinned.

"After the hunter exam I feel like I'm ready to have a drink." Killua said excitingly.

"Is there anything you'd like to try? I can pick it up at the store." Leorio asked.

"Whatever you'd think would be good. Just go easy on me, I don't want to get black out drunk." Killua laughed.

"Yeah no, no one will be getting blacked out drunk on my watch. I will stop you if I think things are going too far."

"Okay Mama Pika." Killua joked.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just call that and head out."

"Okay, Bye Pika, Bye Leo!!" I waved them out the door.

I put that notebook away and looked at my phone. Aunt Mito messaged me back!

Gons messaged you Mito: Hey Aunt mito! I know your not up right now because of the time difference but I have a question for you. I've met someone at the hunter exam that I grew pretty close with. Every time I'm around them I get a weird feeling in my stomach and my face get hot. I'm not coming down with anything right? Message me back when you see this.

Aunt Mito's reply: Gon, No, you aren't sick or anything. The feelings your having is butterflies in your stomach. Your face gets hot when you blush. To put things simply you have a crush on them.

Gon: A crush?

Aunt Mito: Yes, you like that person, more then a friend.

I have a crush on Killua? Does that mean...

"Gon? Are you okay?"

Killua looked at me with his beautiful blue orbs which makes my heart flutter looking into them. I switched my phone from my messages back to the web.

"Um yeah I'm good. I was just thinking about something."
Leorio's POV*

Kurapika made some bomb ass meal for us when we got back to the hotel room. God he's hot and he can cook? It's been a couple hours, around 6pm, He's currently taking a break from the research and reading his book.

"I think I'm gonna head to the store to get a few things I forgot and the laptop." I spoke.

He was so into his book he didn't even hear me. I reach out and touch his hand trying to have him look up at me. He jumped when we came into contact.

"Pika did you hear what I said?"

"No, S-sorry."

"Mm, an interesting sex scene?" I smirk as he smacks me playfully.

"Anything you want from the store?" I change the subject.

"Ah, some snacks for tonight, If we are gonna be drinking we should probably have some extra. Also another bottle of wine." He giggled.

"Are you planning on drinking two?" I laugh at him.

"No! But I'll probably go through the one I have, mostly if I'll be sharing."

"Fair point. Okay Ill grab you another, red wine right?"

He nodded.

"Okay I'll be back shortly its just around the corner, bye pika."
Kurapika's POV*

Leorio left leaving me with my thoughts. Of course they are never good. I sat there having horrible memories. Remembering everything I went through to get where I am now. The room was deafeningly silent. I need to get out of my head before things escalate. I decided to play some music.

I grab my phone and clicked shuffle. The first song to play was Call Out My Name by The Weeknd. I started to sing along with the song while walking over to the fridge to grab my bottle of wine.

"We found each other, I helped you out of a broken place, you have me comfort, but falling for you was my mistake..."

The song continues to play as I pop the cork out taking a quick gulp, I continue singing along to the song.

"I claimed you so proud and openly, and when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me."

"So call out my nameeeee! Call out my name when I kiss you so gently, I want you to stay!" I started shouting the song.

I took a couple more gulps of the wine and continued to listen to the music that filled the room. This is hitting me quick I haven't drank in a while....

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