Chapter 12 (Last Day)

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This is a short chapter sorry!!!
Gon's POV*

We all finally made it to the last day. All of us had smiles on our faces. All we have to do it make it back to the dock. I'm assuming the pro hunters will be out, probably close to the dock. We can start moving there at any time, if the alarm goes off we only have an hour left. I sat down and started writing in my notebook.

Aunt mito! I made it to the last day! We only have to do one thing and thats get back to the dock in time! I had a good time with my new friends. We've learned so much together and about each other. We played games around the fire every night and worked together everyday to get to the end. Ill have to meet them soon! They all want to see whales island!

"Gon! Will you quickly help me please?" Pika said.

"Yeah!" I put my notebook down on the rock and heard over to pika.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you help me find my book? I can't find it anywhere!" Pika panicked.

I giggled, "Of course, it should be around here somewhere, it didn't grow legs and walk off." I joked.

Leorio and Killua also started to search.

"Found it!" Leorio said.

"Oh gosh where was it?"

"It was in the hut under some branches that fell from the storm."

"Thank you Leo your a life saver!" Pika said giving him a tight hug.
Killua's POV*

"We should start heading over to the dock, I would rather be a little early and also we don't know if anything or anyone is gonna stop us on the way."

"I agree." Gon said.

We started our trek through the woods, making jokes at each other and messing around.

"Well what do we have here?"

We turn around and Hisoka is standing there with an evil grin.

"What do you want now Hisoka?"

"Oh nothing, just seeing how you fledglings are doing, Nice scar Killua..." He chuckled.

I glared at him. He definitely had something to do with it.

"Just leave us alone!" Gon shouted.

"Oh I plan to little one, at least until we have our license. I don't want to fight, you all would just waste my time. Id rather wait for you guys to get stronger. Then it will be worth it." The clown grinned.

He through a card and it hit the tree right behind me next to my face. My breathing hitched but I kept my cool. I looked at the card, it was the joker. Hisoka laughed and slowly walked away, the card disappearing like him.

"Fuck!" I hear.

"What's the matter Gon?" I ask concerned.

"I left my notebook at the camp! I have to go back for it!"

The alarm went off telling us we only had an hour left. Gon started to turn and I grabbed his arm.

"Baka its just a notebook! We have to get to the dock!"

"Go on a head, I'm gonna go grab it! Ill make it I promise!"

"Fine hurry Gon!"

Leo, Pika, and I headed over to the dock. Hurry Gon. I don't want you to fail right when you are so close. We been through hell to get here.
Gons POV* (Again)

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I bounced of trees an finally got back to the camp. Where was it again? Ah yes near the rock! I find it and shove it back into my bag. It took me a bit to get here but I have to make it back. I can't break my promise to Killua.

I rush back to the dock, jumping from tree to tree. I felt a presence behind me. Three actually. I look behind me and three hunters are on my tail. If I take one wrong step I'm done for.

"Shit!" I put heavily, trying to speed up as much as I can. If I keep up in the tees I have a better shot.

One of them threw a knife and I quickly ducked. Jeez am I the last one? Is there anyone else they could come after? I finally see the tree line fading into a beach. I get to the last tree and I can see the count down clock that was on the dock. I had 10 seconds. I couldn't climb down a tree that quickly.

"GON!" I heard Killua yell.


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