Chapter 10 (Thunderstorm on the Island)

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Gons POV*

"Gon?" Killua breathed.


Shortly after I heard snoozing coming from the white haired boy. That was probably super tiring. I sat there for a bit before I decided to head over to Leo and Pika. As I was about to release Killuas hand from mine his grip tightened. I smiled and repositioned myself to be comfortable. I might be here for a bit. I looked at the sleeping boys features. His white fluffy hair dropped over his forehead, his eyes that were covered with long lashes, his light pink lips slightly ajar as he slept somewhat peacefully. His muscular arms lying next to his toned body. His hand loosened from mine. I smiled and stood up and walked over to Pika and Leo by the fire.

"How is he?" Pika asked.

"He's Sleeping" I told him. 

"That's good, Now do you mind telling us what the actual fuck happened?" Leorio questioned.

"Mm. Well I asked Killua to come with me to get some more drinking water because we were out, As I bent down to fill the water bottles a pro hunter jumped on me. I pushed him off and Killua stood between me and him. They fought until the man backed down. Killua did something, I don't know what it was called but made an illusion making multiple of him so the guy couldn't tell where he was, then stabbed him in the back. You guys came and then he passed out from blood loss." I explain.

"So that masked guy was a pro hunter?" Pika confirmed.

"Yeah, good thing we decided to go in pairs otherwise things might have ended much worse." I told them looking back at Killua.

"Welp, I'm gonna cook up some fish. Leave Killua for now, we will wake him once we have food cooked."

Pika sighed, "What I would do for a bowl of ramen right now."

"Mmm, What would you do for a bowl of ramen right now?" Leorio flirted with a smirk. Ohh I see what Killua means.

"Shut it old man." Kurapika laughed, Leorio inhaled like he was offended.

"I feel that, I don't think Ill ever be able to eat fish again after this is over." I laughed.

"Only three more days after today, We are almost there." Pika said excitingly.
Hisoka's POV*

Damn it! I made a deal with one of the pro hunters to take out Gon and Killua but that also didn't work. MMMM but KillUA showed such a WoNDerFUl display. I didn't know how he did it but it was beautiful. The way he stabbed that guy in the back without his knowledge? I'm getting hot just thinking about it! Ill leave them alone for the rest of the day. I guess I might have to get y own hands dirty. *Evil grin*
Killuas POV*

I was woken up by violent shaking. My arm burned as I started to move.

"KillUAAAA" I heard.

"What what?" I said opening my eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?" Gon smiled.

"Eh, not horrible considering, Gon its not morning, its dark out."

"It's just in expression, Leorio made food, come eat with us!" He started to tug on my good arm.

"Alright alright give me a second." I chuckled at the child like boy in front of me.

I get up, ignoring the pain coming from my right arm. I walked with Gon over to the fire where Pika and Leo were, smiling as we walking up.

"Hey Kil, How ya feeling?" Kurapika asked.

"I've felt worse, and Kil?" I looked at him weird.

"Well yeah you need a nickname too!" He smiled.

"Gon doesn't have a nickname." I stated crossing my arms.

"Gons name is like three letters Killua." Leorio laughed, "What would we even shorten it too?"

"You have a point." I point at him.

"Here!" Gon passed me a cooked fish.

"God I'm never eating fish again after this..." I sighed.

"Agreed." They all said in unison.

"So, do you guys wanna finish the game of never have I ever?" Leorio smirked.

"Sure, why not it will get my mind of the pain you caused LEORIO!" I chuckled.

"Fine! Never have I ever almost bled out and had to have some close my wound!" Leo laughed.

"Oh he got you there Kil." Gon slapped his knee.

"Fine, never have I ever gotten drunk." I said.

Pika and Leorio raised their hands. I look over at Gon.

"You haven't?" I questioned.

"I'm underage dumbass!"

"That didn't stop Kurapika!"

"Yeah well I had a traumatic life so, Alcohol to forget." Pika defended himself putting his hands up in defense, "Anyways Killua your 18 you are able to drink! What's your excuse!"

"I haven't got around to it! I turned 18 only a few months ago!" I say throwing my hands up in the air.

"Jesus guys, its my turn!" Gon stated, "Hmmm, Never have I ever, spent the night as someone's house."

No one rose their hands.

"Really no one?"

"I like my own bed." Leorio spoke.

"I don't trust many people." Pika pitched in.

"My parents wouldn't allow that." I said.
Kurapika's POV*

Never have I ever continued for awhile until we started to hear thunder. Shit its gonna start to rain. After a about 5 minutes we started to feel light rain drops.

"Well good thing Gon built that shelter." I giggled right as the rain started to get harder.

We all ran over and squeezed into the small hut. We were all super close barely touching. I hope it stops soon, I don't think it will be comfortable to all sleep in such a tight space. The rain grew stronger and bolts of lightning lit of the sky.

"Yeah, I have a feeling we are gonna be sleeping in here." Leorio sighed.

This is gonna be awkward. We all sat down next to each other, our knees just touching. The storm was actually pretty calming, at least for me. I leaned my head against the branch wall and let out a loud sigh.

"What is it kurapika?" Gon asked.

"Mmm, nothing. Just wish you also made a comfy bed." I joked.

We sat there talking for a bit listening to the rain until my eyes started getting droopy and I left the conversation. Passing out.
Leorio's POV*

I woke up and looked around, the rain was still pouring and it was still dark out. It was probably some time in the middle of the night. I felt something on my shoulder and I looked down and saw kurapika sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to move, this is probably one of not many nights he doesn't wake up from a nightmare. I look infront of me and Gon was asleep, Resting on the wall next to Killua, who was still awake.

"Killua? Why are you still up?" I ask him.

"Can't sleep." He states, "Pika looks comfy." He smirked.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna move him, He's been having nightmares and this is one of few nights he hasn't woken up in a panic." I stated not moving an inch.

"Hm, Do you know what happens in these dreams Leo?" He asked.

"No, The way he moves and yells I assume they are flashback type dreams when his family was killed."

Killua just looked down to his lap, not knowing what else to say.

"Kil, we should probably get some rest."

Killua huummed then closed his eyes. I followed suit.

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