Chapter 62 (Phantom Troupe Plan #1)

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Kurapika's POV*

It was spring time. It was the beginning of March. I've been doing research while practicing nen. I decided to go with chains being that I am a conjurer. I was told that I was unable to make something that wouldn't break, but being a specialist when my eyes are scarlet, they become almost impossible to break.

I also decided for the sake of my targets, to attach one of the chains to my heart. If it touches anyone but a spider, I die. I haven't told anyone about it. I think they would just worry. Mostly Leorio. I'm not typically a fighter, once I'm done with the spiders I don't plan on killing, or fighting for that matter. I'll use my other chains as defense but that's it.

Killua and Gon were wrapped up in blankets on the couch cuddling, watching a movie, while I sat at the table next to Leorio on his computer.

"Kurapika?" Leorio asked waving his hand in front of my face.

"Ah yeah sorry..."

"We were talking about the Phantom troupe? We found three so far, two of which were last scene in this city, what are you planning?"

"Three days from today, I plan on going after the first one. His name is Uvogin. He's pretty much their brute strength of the spiders. It wouldn't be easy taking him down."

"That's why you have us Pika, of course we will stop once you have him in your chains but we want to help you fight."

"What he said!" Gon pitched in hearing us talking from across the room.

I nod, "I'll love the help, seriously thank you guys."

"So, how are we going to get him? We don't want to stop him in the middle of the city, too many prying eyes."

"Right, I've already thought of that." I start.

Killua and Gon pause their movie and join us at the table. I grab a piece of paper and pen to show them what I am planning.

"So on the edge of the city there is a valley, apparently he takes that back to their base every night. I plan on sabotaging him in the valley so no one sees. I need you guys to help me get him stuck in one spot so I can grab him. I could do it myself but it would be difficult, it will be quicker with help."
Leorio's POV*

After we figure out the plan for this weekend we joined Killua and Gon for the rest of their movie. I sat next to Kurapika, wrapping my arm around his waist.

After the movie Killua and Gon left to have some dinner.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Pika.

"No. I'm fine."

For the past couple of weeks, since the day after Valentine's Day, Kurapika has been very off. He's not his happy go lucky self and it's worrying me. He's not eating well either. He's been having his nightmares more frequently.

"Are you okay baby?" I ask him.

"Mm fine..."

"I don't believe that. Sunshine, you've barley been eating, your not as talkative, you've been having night mares every other day at this point. Please tell me what's wrong? I'm here for you. Your my lover."

Pika sighed causing a short silence in the room.

"To be honest, I'm scared." He looks at me with those beautiful eyes.

"Of what?"

"Of dealing with the spiders. Now that it's actually happening, I've been riddled with fear. When I started the hunter exam, I was fully prepared to die for this, now, that I'm with you and friends with Gon and Killua, I'm scared that one of us might die. That's why I originally didn't want you guys to join me." He started to tear up.

I grabbed his wrist pulling him closer to me. I placed my other hand on his cheek, wiping his fallen tear.

"Baby, I won't let that happen. I won't let you or the others, even me die. If there's any trouble I want us to all run. Try again when we think we can, other then try our hardest and fail. I love you Pika, we will get through this." I tell him.

He nods, wiping the other tears that fell off his face.

"I love you Leorio.."

"I love you too, Kurapika Kurta."

I pulled the man I love into a hug, squeezing him tightly. I pull away giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask him, he hums in response.

We walk out of the hotel and down the street, taking in the fresh air. We walked by an ice cream shop and Pika'a eyes light up red.

I chuckle, "Do you want some ice cream babe?"

"Yes!" He said happily.

We walk into the tiny ice cream shop. The lady at the counter greets us.

"Hello, what can I get you today?"

"I'll get a rocky road waffle cone, what about you lovely?"

"I'll have a raspberry cheesecake in a waffle cone, a chocolate covered one!"

"Okay, your total will be $10.59."

I pay for ice creams and the lady hands them to us. We leave the store, coni thing down the street.

"Feel a little better sunshine?"

"Yes, thank you I needed out of the hotel." He smiled taking a lick of his ice cream cone.

The night settled in. We returned to the hotel.

"I'm gonna make us dinner, though we already had dessert." I laugh walking into the little kitchen.

"What are you making?"

"Well what do you want?"

"I'm kinda in the mood for grilled cheese." He shrugged.

"Grilled cheese it is."

I grabbed the bread and some sharp cheddar cheese, Kurapika's favorite. I buttered the bread as I waited for the pan to heat up. Kurapika came into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my back and kissing my shoulder before nuzzling into it. I'm glad he's feeling better, I missed this.

Kurapika heard over to the couch to read the book I got him for Christmas while I finished cooking,

I put the bread down on the pan hearing it sizzle before putting the cheese on and the other piece of bread. I flipped it, it was golden brown. Nailed it! I turned off the heat. I scooped up the sandwiches placing them on some paper plates. I bring them over to my gorgeous boyfriend who was completely sucked into his book.

"Food!" I chuckle at him.

"Mm, thank you."

We sat and ate our grilled cheeses while Kurapika updated me on the book he is reading.

"Mm, seems like you are enjoying your book." I grin at him.

"I am. It's calming for me to read and now that you and Gon got me many books I don't have to worry about going to the library to get more!" He cheered.

"Your adorable you know that?"

"You've told me once or twice..."

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