Chapter 11 (Truth or Dare)

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Gon's POV*

My eyes fluttered open. My head rested against the wall of the small hut I made. I remember that it was storming last night but I dont here any rain. I look infront of me seeing Pika and Leorio, Pika had his head resting on Leos shoulder while Leos head was on top of pikas head. I smiled at the sight, how cute. I went to move before I realized something heavy on my lap. It was Killuas head. He was sounds asleep still. I smiled at the sleeping boy. I shifted slightly trying not to wake him but it failed. His eyes slowly opened and he realized he was laying down. He sat up quickly bumping our heads together. I groaned gripping my head.

"Shit, Sorry!" Killua said grabbing his head as well.

"For head butting me or sleeping on my lap?" I laughed.

"I U-Uhh, Both I guess." He blushed.

We heard rustling infront of us and we both looked over. Neither of the boys woke up but they shifted a little closer.

"Cute." Killua giggled at them.

"Let's leave them to sleep, they look happy." I said standing up grabbing my bag. Killua followed.

It was the 11th day out on the island. Today was very hot and humid sense it rained last night. I sat on a rock that was slightly damp and pulled out my notebook.

Hey aunt mito! I'm sorry I haven't written much a lot has been going on. We only have 3 more days on the island. I'm very excited to get my license! It rained last night, luckily I built a hut! I'm also super sick of fish. That's pretty much all we have been able to eat. We caught animals here and there but nothing good. I can't wait to return home and have some of your amazing cooking! I miss it already!

Thats all I could write about. I couldn't write that pika was poisoned and Killua had a knife slice his arm from fighting a pro hunter that was trying to pretty much kill us. I truly hope we don't run into any more trouble the next couple of days. I stretched and put my notebook back in my bag. Pika and Leorio suddenly emerged from the hut. Both of their faces had a shade of pink on them.

"How did you guys sleep?" I smirk at them.

"Good...." Pika whispered walking over.

"What are you up to?" Leorio said clearing his throat.

"Well I just finished writing in my notebook, I dont know what else to do now." I shrugged.

'We are out of fire wood we should probably gather more." Kurapika said. I nodded and joined him in the woods.
Leorios POV*

Pika and Gon left to gather one more firewood and I sat down next to Killua.

"Hot today isn't it?" I say breaking the silence.

"Mm."Killua nodded, "So what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"With you and Pika, you guys walked about and you guys were both blushing like mad."

"Ah, that haha. Well I guess at some point we ended up snuggling into each other, When we woke up we didn't say much to each other. It's a little embarrassing...." I say scratching my head.

Killua smirked, "Hmm did you like itttttttt!" He laughed.

"Kil Stop it! I-I don't know how I feel about it..."

"Oh so you are also into guys." He said.

I shrugged not caring that he knew, "Yeah... I denied it for years but I'm bisexual."

We are interrupted by Gon and Kurapika coming back with fire wood. I take the stack of fire wood from Pika and set it next to our make shift fire pit. Gon sat his down as well. 

"What now?"

"We can play a game?" I suggested.

"Ugh we've played never have i ever multiple times I'm getting bored of it!" Gon whined.

"No a different game. Truth or dare!"

"Oh I like this game!" Gon clapped and sat down.

Killua shrugged and sat down, along with kurapika.

"Okay Gon you can go first!"
Killuas POV*

"Okay ahhh kurapika truth or dare?"

"Dare." He grinned.

"Damn I was hoping you'd say truth, fine. I dare you to do the chicken dance!" Gon laughed.

"GON! So embarrassing!"

"You got to do it or you have to drink!"

"Gon we don't have any booze."

"Fine but we gotta play when we do have booze, anyways if you dont say the truth or do the dare you have to walk around fare foot for the rest of the day!" Gon laughed.


Pika started doing the chicken dance as we all laughed around him. He stopped and sat down.

We sat there for a couple of hours playing. No one has given in to take their shoes off for the rest of the day. I don't know if it was competitiveness or the simple fact none of us want to walk around in the mud.

"Leorio, truth or dare?" Kurapika asked.

"Mmmm, Truth."

"Is it true that you wanted to be a dancer before a doctor?" Pika grinned.

Leorio slammed his face with his hand, "Yes! Pika I told you that in confidence I didn't want to tell anyone! I also don't want to walk around bare feet in this mud."

"You wanted to be a dancer? Ohhhh what kind?" Gon asked intrigued.

"Ballerina." I teased.

"No Killua. And thats not part of the truth I don't have to tell you." Leorio huffed, "Killua truth or dare?"

"Hmmm. I'll go truth to play it safe." 

"Hm. Are you into guys?" Leorio asked me.

My eyes widened. Why did he ask me that? Just curious? I truly don't know myself, I've never kissed anyone. Sure I think some guys are hot but thats normal right? I sighed and started taking my shoes off. I didn't have an answer for them.

"Oh come on Kil, We wouldn't judge you just say your answer, I'm gay and Leorio is bisexual." Pika stated.

"Leorio your bisexual?" Gon asked, Leorio just nodded.

"Come on Kil." Leo pushed.

"I can't. I can't say yes or no to that question because I don't know. My family never aloud me to even think about relationships or anything like that." I blush looking down.

"Well there you have it Leorio. You asked for a truth and he told it." Pika laughed.
Gons POV*

"Can someone go next?" Killua was flustered.

"It's your turn though." Pika said.

"I don't know!"

"Just make something up for someone." Leorio shrugged.

"Fine, Gon truth or dare?"


"Hm, I dare you to climb that tree to the top!"

"Easy!" I said.

I climb trees all the time but Killua didn't know that. None of them did. I start climbing up the tree. It only took me about 5 minutes to reach the top. Once I'm up there I get a beautiful view of the sun set. The breeze tickled my hair as I took a deep breath in.

"You alright up there Gon?" I hear Leo yell.

"Yeah! I made it to the top! I'm coming down now!"

"Please be careful!" Pika yelled.

Okay Mom.

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