Chapter 53 (Christmas Morning)

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Kurapika's POV*

It was Christmas Eve night, it's close to midnight. Gon and Killua have already gone to bed, along with Mito. Leorio was next to me on the couch. We sat there just talking.

The Christmas tree glistening through the living room. Presents were under the tree. The house was silent, other then the fire place that was crackling and the occasional talking between Leorio and I.

I held a cup of hot chocolate in my hand, reading the book Leorio gave me early. I'm so lucky to have this man. The clock hit 12am. It was finally Christmas Day.

"Merry Christmas Sunshine." Leorio gave me a peck on the lips.

"Merry Christmas baby."

"You taste like hot chocolate." Leorio chuckled.

"Mm, well I have been drinking some." I giggled.

"We should head to bed. I know everyone will be up early in the morning."

"Yeah your probably right. Let's head up stairs."

I close my book and walk over to the sink to put my finished hot chocolate mug in. Leorio reached his hand out to grab mine and we walked up the stairs into the guest room. I set my book on my suitcase. We change into our pajamas, aka Leorio wearing sweatpants and me wearing just a big t-shirt. I love the blanket to get into bed. Leorio joining me soon after.

"Goodnight, see you in the morning." Leorio cuddled me from behind, leaving soft kisses from my cheek down to the crook of my neck.

"Mm, goodnight Leo."
Killua's POV*

I roll over in Gons bed, facing my boyfriend who was just waking up.

"Good morning love, Merry Christmas." I smile.

He leans in grabbing my face with both of his hands, smashing his lips into mine.

"Merry Christmas baby." He says removing his lips from mine.

"Let's get dressed at head down stairs, I imagine Aunt Mito is already up and doing things."

"Your probably right."

We get out of bed, not bothered to change out of our pajamas. We walk down the stairs, a smell of warm cinnamon in the air.

"Merry Christmas Aunt Mito!" Gon said happily, jumping off of the last step of the stairs.

"Merry Christmas you two." She smiled back at us.

Gon sniffed the air, "Are you baking cinnamon rolls?" He grinned in happiness.

"Can't sneak anything past that nose of yours." Mito laughs.

"I mean the whole house smells like cinnamon." I chuckle.

"Mm, it's always nice on Christmas morning."

We here the stairs creak, Leorio and Kurapika coming down to join us. Both yawning and rubbing there eyes.

"Merry Christmas sleepy heads!" I say to them.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Kurapika yawned.

"Do I smell cinnamon rolls?" Leorio questioned.

"Mm, they are almost done."

We nodded, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio started making their way to the living room.

"You coming Kil?" Gon asked me.

"Mm, I'll join soon. I'm gonna make everyone hot cocoa."

He nodded and smiled, walking back I've fro me and planted a kiss on my cheek. That boy always knows how to make my face turn pink.
I walked into the kitchen joining Aunt Mito. I grab some mugs and started making hot chocolate.

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