Chapter One

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Third POV

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Third POV

Walking. Mindless walking. Walking along sidewalks always seems to calm Eboni, distracting herself from a life full of torment. After getting expelled from school, her foster family moved to a small town for a fresh start. The girl was expelled for constant fighting within the school.

Most of the fights weren't her fault. The bullies were always the ones to put their hands on her first. What they failed to understand was that Eboni is a fighter- not a doormat. However, sometimes the teen would be the one to swing first.

The seventeen year old is troubled, no doubt about it. At the age of eight, the child's parents suddenly died. Her family didnt want her due to her skin condition- vitiligo. A condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches, often with no clear cause. Because of that, the law had no choice but to put Eboni in foster care.

Bouncing from home to home with no stability. Parents only taking her in for the check. The constant disappointments and abuse. The only people that loved her, left her to live through this loveless life- alone. This left the girl filled with so much hurt. So much pain. So much rage.

Eboni could only handle so much. When pushed to far she'll go on her rage blinding fits. She has a temper, which keeps her foster family away from her. They could only hope she wouldn't cause any trouble in this new school, which is really doubtful.

Instead of helping her foster family move into their new home, her and her foster mother gotten into yet another one of their huge fights- ending in many hateful things being said and Eboni walking away.

"Who would ever want a freak like you!?"

"You should be grateful that I took you in!"

"Who would ever want a scarred face bitch like you!?"

"You are such a disappointment!"

"You'll never be beautiful with skin like that!"

Half of her life she's been stuck with this foster family. Stuck with dealing with the daily verbal abuse and the occasion physically abuse- that's if Enoni really got on her bad side. The teen would want nothing more than to smash her face on the wooden stairs of their two story home, but she always ran off- not wanting to face the stirrings darkness bubbling within her soul.

Taking long mindless walks werent her only past time. Eboni has an amazing angelic singing voice- a secret she prefers to keep to herself. Another pastime of hers is art, knitting, and sewing. Growing up the girl had to figure out how to make new clothing since most of her foster families hardly ever brought her needed things- which adds up to Eboni being relocated so many times.

She also sought joy in true crime podcast, mostly about serial killers. Documentaries about serial killers as well. She has always been curious about what drove them to kill- what it takes for another to steal one of their final breath, and why she couldn't bring herself to do just that.

Eboni has been walking endlessly for about two hours. She was lost, but didnt care. The sun is starting to set, she still didnt care. Her sidewalk trail ends with huge mountains of dead trees located in the woods. The woods itself stretches out for miles, almost endless. Yet something about the woods were drawing her in. Maybe with it was odd cloudy mist overtaking the ground, or the eerie vibe screaming from the inside. Walking through there would be suicide, but once again- she didn't care.

Eboni reluctantly turns around, following the same path she came. She pulls out her phone, noting that its about the time her foster siblings would start setting the table for dinner. She curses, knowing she'll have to deal with her foster mother's tirades again. She sighs heavily, placing the headphones around her neck over her ears- playing citizen soldier 'never good enough'.

She turns the volume on full blast, drowning in the lyrics- humming along. The words are true. Eboni was never good enough, she'll never be good enough for anyone. Oddly enough that's all she wanted. For someone, anyone one to see the value in her. Sure she had issues, but if someone who just give her the time of day, in a none negative way, she could get better. She would get better. But of course that's wishful thinking.

Though nothing was wrong in being hopeful. Eboni had been her whole life, but each time was only granted with more hardships. She could only dream about having anyone by her side to truly care about her. Someone to share her deepest, darkest secrets and desires with- without being judged.

Eboni has many deep desires, most surrounding her true personality. Though her normal style of wear is black T shirts with black pants and simple black boots, the teen has a secret stash of pink. Pink dresses. Pink crop tops. Pink shoes. Pink undergarments. Pink everything. Down to the simple items she owns like her pink princess styled headphones.

She also holds many questionable items she hopes would be used on her one day. Whips, chains, ball gags, undercover leather straps, ropes, handcuffs, etc. The teen has a sick obsession with BDSM. Maybe it has to with her loneliness, her traumatic life, maybe all of the above. She found the trust the partners shared with each other fascinating. She longs for that. That deep trust and intimacy. But what would a seventeen year old virgin know?

The thought of sex makes her want to vomit. She couldnt just give her body to just anyone. And the teen wasn't that desperate enough to visit those shady website and end up missing then murdered. That'll be a stupid way to go in her opinion. Though the thought of giving what very little control she has over her life into the hands of someone she trust- would being a sense of peace the teen has never experienced.

Once again, just wishful thinking. Standing at the front of her new house has brought her back to reality. She will never be loved. She will never be wanted. She will never be given the attention she craves. She will continue to be viewed as the troubled girl with an unfortunate dealt at life.

Eboni let's out a heavy sigh as she reaches to place her hand on the doorknob to twist it. An involuntary chill travels down the teens as she quickly turns around. She could've sworn she felt someone behind her, someone staring her down. It was odd but almost calming in a sense. Someone stalking her ment she's wanted- right?
With a shake of her head she opens the front door, bracing herself for this new chapter of her hellish life.

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@princesspastel8 🦄

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