Chapter Four

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Third POV

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Third POV

Three days into Eboni's suspension, and she already wishes to be back in school than stuck in this house full of horrors. When you family returned home, she struggled explaining to Melissa why all the bowels and plates were broken. That earned a slap which caused her lip to spilt.

The second day she was told to buy replacements with Melissa's credit card while everyone was away at school or work. What made the day more unbearable was that its Eboni's birthday. Seems like everyone forgot, or didn't bother to remember. She questions if she ever heard one of them ask her. So she spent the whole day going on a much needed shopping spree.

During her shopping, the teen could feel eyes following her wherever she went. She knew then she has a stalker. In a sick way, she didn't mind. Eboni does always carry her pocket knife in her thigh strap in case the stalker tries attacking her. The thought of someone wanting her so badly to the point of needing to watch her 24/7- brings a pleasurable chill down her spine. Just being wanted is enough for her.

However, when Eboni made it back home after hiding everything she brought- she was faced with a very pissed Melissa. Eboni, however, was all smiles. It was her fault she forgot the teen's birthday- and willingly gave her the credit card. How could Eboni not treat herself? That smile sent melissa over the edge. The two started fist fighting, mostly melissa beating the teen and Eboni taking it. The foster mother was more pissed about not being able to find all the items the girl brought to return them.

Once melssia finally calmed down, she allowed the teen to go up to her room. Right now it's way pass midnight- now her third day of her suspension. Eboni is currently laying in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She eventually goes into her built in bathroom to clean up her bust lip and black eye. The teen walks back to her bed, lowering herself to the floor before pushing her bed a bit. She smiles, seeing the hidden door she had found a few nights ago under her bed. She opens it, pulling out a few of the new things she brought herself.

One of those things being a set of rollerblades. The teen is skilled in a lot of things, one of them being roller skating. She recently found a stake park not to far from her home. Eboni would sneak out through her window, going there every other night before her first set of rollerblades finally gave way- so she used the first opportunity given to her to buy a new pair.

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