Chapter Fiftythree

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's been about three days since Eboni was welcomed into Luna and Iris's home. Tiffany didn't agree with the long stay and tried to get a explanation out of the girl- which Eboni refuse. Even then her foster parents didnt stop her from leaving. Things have been oddly quite with Alex, though she knows he's lurking around.

Not only him, but others as well. Eboni no longer believes its paranoia. Someone, maybe two or three people, are watching her every move. From the moment she leaves the house to the moment she comes back. Maybe it's the detectives, but if that were the case- then they have to much free time on their hands considering the high crime rate in this town. They would be busy still trying to build a case against the girl.

And if it were them, they would've raided Luna's home by now- Thanks to how often the killers show up. Right now for example, they're all in the livingroom- playing some weird boardgame that Eboni is unfamiliar with.

"You piece of shit! It was my turn!" Jeff shouts.

"N-No it wasn't. You're just pissed th-that your losing." Toby frowns.

Luna giggles, nodding her head. "I agree."

Jeff glares at the witch, rubbing his thumb against the blade in his pocket. "Watch it witch."

"Y-You watch it. Th-This is why I follow you everytime Y-you come here."

"Like I said before, I got my own girl to bust a nut to- so fuck off!"

The comment makes Jack and BEN laugh while Iris blushes heavily and cringe from Jeff's shameless behavior. Hoodie narrows his eyes at Jeff who shrugs his shoulders.

"Not my fault yours a softy."

Eboni chuckles, shaking her head as she begins zoning out. Her stomach then growls, making Jeff look at her. He flips the boardgame over, standing and looms over Eboni.

"Jeff what the fuck!?" BEN shouts.

"Sore loser!" Jack sighs heavily.

Jeff flips them off, no longer caring. "You hungry?"

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