Chapter Fiftyone

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Eboni dear, are you awake? You have some visitors."

The sound of light knocking, Tiffany's voice, and the bright sun shining in her face from the window stirs Eboni awake. She grumbles, moving to roll over but a pair of strong arms keep her from doing so. Remember she didn't lock her bedroom door last night, makes the teen spring wide awake. Her sudden movements stirs Jeff awake.

"The fuck is going-"

Eboni quickly covers his mouth, making the killer glare at her with his questioning eyes. "Who's here!?" Eboni shouts at her door.

"Detective Smith & Michael sweetheart. Want me to come i-"

"No! Ugh! It's to early for this crap...give me five minutes!"

"Alright dear, I'll let them know. There's breakfast waiting for you downstairs." Tiffany said, walking away.

Eboni springs out of her bed but cringes, falling back onto it. The activities of last night catching up to her. Jeff begrudgingly moves out of bed. He pushes his hair out of his face before helping Eboni put her robe on.

"You gotta hide."

"No shit princess. Are those the same fuckers you told me about before?"

"Yeah, UGH! They're getting so annoying at this point."

"Thought of any believable lie yet?"

Jeff helps Eboni to stand, guiding her to the bathroom and helps do a quick sink bath. Eboni shakes her head before speaking, "no...not really. I'd figure I make things up as I go."

The smiling killer frowns, tilting his head down at the girl. "Careful princess. I told you these fuckers are smarter than you think."

Eboni scoffs, shrugging her shoulders. "So? I'm smarter."

Jeff reaches for a long slik night gown. He places it over Eboni's head and puts her robe back on her. He makes her sit down then begins pulling her hair into a puff ball, resting on the top of her head.

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