Chapter Twentyone🔞

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Third POV

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Third POV

Something is wrong. Eboni can tell just from the killer's demeanor. She's learned a few things from knowing the killer in such a short time- two months to be exact. The smiling killer can be extremely impulsive, his emotions can become sporadic, he wants things his way or the highway- in other words killing you. Another thing is his rage. She notices during their first interaction- their fight to the death.

She felt so many similarities to the killer that it frustrated her. Staring into his eyes now, she can see that rage from months ago- but she knew it's because the something else. She took notice of the fresh blood on his hands and hoodie. He must've came straight to her home after killing someone.

But that bruise still present on his neck. His victim didn't do this. The bruise would've still been forming, and there's no hand prints. Eboni wants to know who did this. Who hurt him and why? And it making her so angry? Jeff frowns deepen when he sees Eboni staring at his throat. He rips the mask from her face and grabs her jaw, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Eyes up here bitch." He hissed, gripping her jaw painfully tight.

Eboni whimpers, noticing the dark shadow case over Jeff's eyes. It seems that even the light reddish color of his eyes shifted to a dark haunting red. She knows then that whatever he may be feeling- will be inflicted onto her, with no mercy.

" disobeyed me. Didn't even bother to text me what happened, but I heard everything. I'm so fucking pissed.." he grumbles, letting go of the teen completely. "Get on the fucking bed. Hands above your head, legs open."

Eboni does as told, crawling onto her bed and lays on her back. She places her hands above her head and opens her legs, blushing a bit. She had already taken off her pants and was left in her crop top and thong. Jeff reaches down onto her cloest floor, grabbing everything he had taken out of her box.

He rips open everything on his way to Eboni's bed, tossing each item onto her side. He takes off his boots and removes his hoodie, keeping his black shirt and jeans on. The killer moves on top of the teen, waving pink & black fuzzy hand cuffs above Eboni's face.

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