Chapter Sixtyeight

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Third POV

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Third POV

Slenderman surprisingly gave in to Luna's request to a meeting- after a bit of begging from Toby's end. Once it was decided, Jeff and Eboni weren't allowed to attend- mostly due to Slenderman still failing to get under Eboni's skin. One annoying pesk was manageable, but two? The faceless creature has a headache just thinking about it.

As everyone leaves towards Slenderman's office, Eboni & Jeff goes into the kitchen. The smiling killer sits at the table as he watches his girl beginning to cook him dinner. The teen turns to him with a smile.

"Anything in particular you want?"

"Whateber scraps we got that you can turn into a meal is fine with me." He shrugs, still watching her.

"Mhm, I'll see what I can do."

Eboni isn't working with much. All she managed to find is shrimp- that's still fresh, rice, and canned curry. She also sees a few seasonings to help add flavor to the canned curry & squirm. The teen grabs two pots and a skillet to pan fry the shrimp. Once the rice and curry is placed on to cook, Eboni looking into the refrigerator- noticing some juice and rum.

"Did they throw a new years party or?"

"Nah. They do that shit towards the end of the month. Gives everyone time to steal something for the party, a excuse for me to get drunk off my ass."

Eboni rolls her eyes, suddenly uneasy. She hasn't noticed it til now, but the poor girl fears parties. The loud music, the smell of alcohol & musk, the flashing lights, all of it makes ger heart fill with anxiety. Jeff notices her sudden shift in demeanor. He waves her over, making her sit on his lap.

He moves to rest his head against her breast, arms wrapping around her waist. "Or, we can have your own little party in my room." He grins.

Eboni giggles, shaking her head. "No no it's ok. You tried to hide it, but I could tell from your tone. You're looking forward to this party."

He frowns, huffing. "Ugh...fuck I can't hide shit from you anymore."

Eboni giggles, leaning down to shower his face with kisses. Neither of them seem to notice the pair of blue eyes staring at them. The male holds a sketchbook and pencil in hand. He moves to sit on the couch closes to the kitchen and begins drawing the scene before him. The Male's been lacking inspiration lately, so he's surpised to suddenly feel the need to draw them after witnessing the public display of affection.

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