Chapter Sixtyone

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Third POV

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Third POV

Christmas morning, full of cheer and glee. After years of heartache during the holiday season, Eboni is finally given reason to smile. Her family demise will happen soon. She's still planning, having woke up early to study the map and get dolled up.

The teen did her make up, wearing strawberry lip balm, sparkling eyeliner and mascara- though her lashes are already long. She decides to flat iron her hair, wearing the same white fuzzy headband as before. She puts on white thigh high stockings with white garter belts with hearts in the middle. Eboni then slips on white knee high platform boots. Afterwards she puts on her dress, her long white dress has a split on her left side- exposing her thigh. The dress has pearl beads stitched along the waist and bra lining. This dress was a gift given by Tiffany out of guilt.

Eboni did say that white on white can cause a headache, but today Eboni will be adding a splash of color not only on her dress- but throughout the overly white mansion. Its six in the morning, everyone is still asleep. The girl walks out of her room and into the kitchen, noticing many maids rushing to make breakfast.

"Excuse me." Eboni calls out, drawing everyone's attention.

The maids look at her, waiting for her to speak. "Why are you all here? Its Christmas. Don't you have any families to spend it with?"

"No Ms. Eboni. Our job requires we don't have any family do that we spend our holidays here." One maid said.

"Yes. We all live here as well." Another maid said.

" you get rewarded for all of your hard work?" Eboni ask kindly.

The maids all share a look that pretty much answers Eboni's question. They didn't want to tell the truth in fear she'll report to Tiffany, but at the same time desperately wanting a break. Eboni sighs, shaking her head.

"Loosen up. I'm not gonna tell my bitch of a aunt. I know what it feels like to be treated like a slave. Tell you what, I'll make breakfast and given make you all some as well. Go back to bed, I'll bring them to you." Eboni offers with a smile.

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