Chapter Thirteen 🔞

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff was sent to kill some random guy that so happen to be a few blocks away from Eboni's home. Of course the killer took the chance to sneak into her room. To his surpise, she wasn't home. So he waited until he grew bored and began snooping through her things.

Everything seemed ordinary besides her odd obsession with kawaii shit. That was until he opens her closet door after picking the lock on it. He figured whatever she's hiding had to be embarrassing, and man was he right.

This bitch has two boxes filled with BDSM crap that it actually surprises the killer. Jeff lets out a loud as he dumps the contents of each box onto the middle of her floor. This would be the perfect payback. Humiliating her like he did him.

In the meantime he looks through each item, confused as to why all of the sex toys were still in their official packaging as well as her many sets of lingerie. He snickers when he came across BDSM magazines. The smiling killer had no idea they made crap like this.

When picking up one of the magazines, a piece of paper slips through the pages. He picks it up, standing back to his feet. As he read the slip of paper, he grins- his grin growing wider at the presence of who he waited patiently for.

"Been awhile, huh princess?"

Her face is absolutely priceless. The utter embarrassment lacing her features as she realizes the contents on the floor. Her grip on her knife seem to weaken. Eboni opens her mouth to speak, but is still acting like a deer in headlights.

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