Chapter Fortysix

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Third POV

Everyone that stayed behind are now in the kitchen. Jack had to carefully remove the feeding tube inside of Eboni, which she didn't find to painful. Jack took it upon himself to also cook something, which is odd considering hes a cannibal. At that Eboni offers to help but Jeff refuses. The two eventually bicker back and forth until they came to a agreement on Eboni being the taste tester.

Jack prepared a vegetable soup, much to Eboni's dis-joyment. Everyone begins eating in comfortable silence, until the two love birds begin another around if bickering like a old married couple.

"Princess, open your fucking mouth and eat it!"

"Hmph!" Eboni huffs, dropping her spoon into the bowel and pushes it back. "No! There's broccoli in it! You know I hate that shit!"

"But you need it. You can't eat heavy crap yet. So spot being a brat and fucking open up!"


Jeff sighs, leaning his head onto his hands in annoyance. Ten minutes reunited and their already giving each other headaches. The smiling killer gently places the girl onto her lap and leans to whisper in her ear.

"You're being more bratty than usual princess. The fuck is wrong now?"

Eboni blushes a bit, snuggling onto his lap and moves to rest her head onto his shoulder. She glances around everyone, hating how their watching them but being cuddled up to Jeff is calming enough.

"Staring...don't like it..." she whispers, looking up at him with pouty lips and eyes full of anxiety.

Jeff looks up, noticing the stares. He grumbles, looking down at her. "Eat your food and I'll move us. If not, we're staying."

Eboni huffs, wanting to throw a tantrum but to tired to do so. She stays in his arms, puffing out her cheeks- refusing to eat at all. The killer sighs heavily but grins, an idea popping into his head. He begins tickling her sides, Eboni bursting into a fit of laughter. He quickly grabs his spoon and forces a mouthful into her mouth.

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