Chapter Fiftysix

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Third POV

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Third POV


It didn't take long for Liu to make it to the mansion. Luckily for all parties involved, the other killers had returned just before the rain poured down. Liu looks at Jack, quickly urging the cannibal doctor to help his brother.

"What hapoened!?" Jack shouts, grabbing Jeff and quickly rushing to his medical wing.

"No clue. I was just wondering near the mansion and kept hearing gunfire. I think he was shot twice in the chest." Liu explains, laying Eboni down on a medical bed.

"And Eboni?"

Liu stares at the girl, tilting his head. "Beaten close to death? I'm surprised she's still breathing."

"You should be saying that about your brother- shit he's losing a lot of blood."

BEN watches, a bit frantic. He has already used his powers to alarm nurse Ann and X Virus. Jack's going to need all the help he can get. He cuts Jeff's hoodie off, observing the damage done. He clicks his tongue- quickly putting on gloves and rushing to get his medical tools. If he doesn't move quickly, Jeff will die from either blood loss or drowning from the blood filling his lungs.

"Everyone out! I need to concentrate."

Liu along with everyone else leaves the operating room. The stitched face male looks rather calm considering his older brother is knocking on death's door- granted it's more so death trying to drag Jeff into the afterlife.

"Tch, sh-shouldn't have listened to h-him.." Toby grits, shaking his head in frustration.

"What did he say?" Liu asked, a bit curious.

"That smiling freak threaten to kill us if we followed him."

"He...wouldn't let you help him save that girl?" Liu questions, amusement in his own.

Toby walks off, going to contact Luna while hoodie and BEN stay back- hoping for the best at ready for Eboni. "Those two have been a bit off lately. He feels like Luna is trying to brainwash Eboni into ditching him."

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