Chapter Seventytwo

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's now the end of Feburary. A lot of things have taken place. The first being Slenderman's punishment on Nina. It was brutal to say the least, but much deserved. Yes she was put into the white room, but under went intense shock therapy. Slenderman needed to destory her obsession with Jeff or something like before would just happen again.

With Nina out of the way, Eboni spent more time within the livingroom- trying to get accustomed with other proxies. This is her new home after all, and she cant spend it locked away in Jeff's room- much to his dismay. Oddly enough, Eboni was given a chance to apologize to Helen. He just so happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The two talked about many things, a few proxies found it odd how talkative Helen would suddenly become when in Eboni's presence. Most thought he had fallen for the teen, but in reality she was just his new muse. He has been lacking in inspiration, wanting to draw but having no motivation to do so. So when he first laid eyes on Eboni & Jeff, inspiration struck.

He enjoyed observing their relationship, catching the way they'd look at one another within is art pieces. Of course he would draw them without their knowledge- until he randomly decided to give Eboni a beautiful pencil drawing of herself on the day before Valentine's day, and before the valentine's day party.

Jeff was pissed, seriously pissed. His anger only grew when Eboni tried to step in between the two before a fight broke out. He couldn't understand that the only thing the Bloody Panther felt towards Eboni is admiration. He felt comfortable around her. He could open up to her a bit, and even ask for advice about certain things.

In fact, Eboni found out, the poor neutral faced painter is hopelessly in love with another proxy who has been gone on a year long mission. This proxy being known as 'Judge Angel'. She went through his sketch book, noticing so many drawings of this one girl. She found it cute.

So what are the odds, that she randomly shows up right before the Valentine's day party. Eboni had spent the first week and a half of February trying to play match maker. Jeff had no idea and just assumed she was losing intrest in him. Long story short, Eboni learned not to test his patience once again- not that she didn't enjoy every minute of that fuck.

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