Chapter Twentyfive

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Third POV

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Third POV

His words cut deep, sharper than any blade she owns. Sure he's been cruel before, but this was different. He's never spoken to her in such a way, never tossed her like some ragdoll- looking down on her like gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.

Not being able to take it, she ran- allowing her feet to take her where they wanted to go. She heard her name being called, but she ignored it. She ran, and ran until she reached the edge of the forest- her feet leading her to the direction of Jeff's old home. Of course they need. No matter how much pain and hurt he caused her, her mind, body, her very soul would still long for him.

She gave up for her to be with him. To be just like him. Yet here is he, taking interest in some random girl that doesn't love him as much as she does- who doesn't appreciate every breath he takes like she does. No one could love her fellow smiling killer like she can. And she'll do anything to make sure no one gets in the way of that.

"You as hell.." the brunette said, heaving & panting to catch her breath.

"She's ri- why are we here?" The black-ette asked.

"Don't this is where she lives...even in his old room..." she seethes, gripping her fist- her nails digging into her palms.

"Why are we watching a rando's window? Slenderman gave y'all a mission I don't know about?"

"No....ask the one who ran all the way here."

"Jeff is seeing someone. Almost everyone I run into him he has this faint strawberry smell on him. But today it was way has to be her. The one that's trying to take my Jeff away from me!" The woman shouts, scaring a few birds away.

The other two women share a look, the burnette speaking first. "Right....well y'know we can't just kill her. Slenderman would be-"

"He's been leaving our leashes a bit loose lately....think it's time we take advantage of that."

"Heh, so what's the plan then?" The black haired one asked.

"We watch her. Study her. And wait for the perfect moment to....STRIKE!" right then, the woman pulled out her knife, throwing it in the brushes where a rabbit now lay lifeless-

It's now been a week of Eboni being stuck in house. She's able to move better but still feels a bit sore in between her legs- but at least the limp is gone. The hickeys and buries are clearing up as well- much to her dismay.

The teen spent most of her days avoiding Iris and Taylor like the plague. They've shown up to her house a total two times- Taylor always banging on the front door and demanding for Eboni to let them in. The only person that she allows to order her around is Jeff.

Eboni has also been on her best behavior, trying to avoid adding on to the punishment that Jeff won't stop bringing up- he's also notice this too and would tease her endlessly about this. She'd try to pry, wanting him to spare any details to her punishment. But the killer would always say, 'that ruins the element of surprise', which makes the teen whine.

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