Chapter Fourteen

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Third POV

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Third POV

Eboni had fallen into a deep yet peaceful slumber after the events of last night. It's quite possibly the best sleep she's ever had after her parents death. The blinding light of the sun shines through her open curtain, aimed at her closed eyes.

Groaning, the teen slowly opens her eyes, rubbing them clumsy. She tries to get up like normally but tenses, the physical affects of last night halting her. The pain first comes from between her legs then leads to her lower back and hips.

Eboni bites on her lip as she slowly moves the covers off of herself and stands, leaning against the wall for support. With each step, she's reminded of all that has happened. Eboni had given her virginity to a serial killer.

" fucked up.." she grumbles to herself, finally reaching the bathroom.

Eboni noticed the bathtub is filled with water, steam rising from it. She moves inside, letting out a sigh of relief as her aching body quickly relaxes to the warmth of the water. She sees a note and a box of pills next to it. Eboni picks up the note and begins to read it-

"Heard a bitch's first time sucks. Read that little note of rules before fucking the shit out of you- aftercare, yeah that's it. Had places to be princess, so this will do. Be back around midnight"

"Right...damn.." Eboni whispers, picking up the box of pills and reading that its Plan B pills. She quickly opens it, taking one dry.

Eboni didnt feel fear. She felt excitement. After years of yearning for her fantasies to become reality, they finally can. What makes her heart flutter are the facts that the killer doesnt seem to be disgusted by her scared face nor her vitiligo.

After what feels like a hour is soaking and washing herself, she steps out of the tub- wrapping a towel around herself and hair. She begins her morning facial routine then styles her hair into a low puffball with a side bang. When dry, she puts on a pink slick nightgown since she still felt so sore down below but after the bath it became manageable.

Eboni of course took note of the hickeys and bite Marks over her neck and shoulders. She reaches to trace her fingers over them, a odd smile covering her features. Seeing the aftermath of Jeff's work brings a new sense of joy.

"Finally..." she whispers. Finally, marked and owned. Dreams to come true- in the most twisted of ways.

Eboni checks the time, its five minutes til one. She begins cleaning her room, stuffing everything back into her boxes but leaves the paper of her rules on her desk. When she was about to crawl into her bed, the door bell goes off. She tries to ignore whoever it may be but they didn't let up on the bell.

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