Chapter Six

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Third POV

"Poor girl...she's the only survivor of that horrific car accident."

"On top of that, her family doesn't even want her.."

"She's only seven and has to be placed in foster care..."

"We all know how disastrous the system is...another bright future lost."

"Such a pity-"

Eboni jolts awake, whimpering at the pain in her stomach. She slowly leans her back against the back of the hospital bed. She takes a second to scan her surroundings. The teen curses under her breath, she truly hates hospitals. It's where people go to die, a complete death house.

Doctors dont care, it's all about a paycheck. She knew this hospital bill will cost her a fortune. Eboni's hateful thoughts were cut short by the her hospital door opening, two detectives, a nurse, a doctor, and two other strangers dressed in casual clothing.

"Miss Eboni, my name is Detective Smith. I'd first like to say that I'm sorry for your families dea-"

"Foster family." Eboni interrupted, staring down at her hands which are resting on her lap.

"Right...Anyways, we would like to question you if you're feeling ok enough." Mr. Smith said as the nurse begins checking Eboni's vitals.

Eboni would yank her arm away every time the nurse tried to touch her. The doctor held a needle with white liquid inside. The male gave the teen a look, making her comply to them. Eboni just loathes being touch my anyone of the medical profession- or anyone at all.

With a heavy sigh, eboni nods her head now feeling extremely tense from the nurse drawing blood and replacing the bandages over the stab wounds and cuts after cleaning them.

"So...explain to us the events that took place that night in your own words."

Eboni looks at Mr. Smith, mostly focusing on the rather tall lanky detective who has yet to say a word. Though he didnt speak his eyes spoke volumes. Whatever Eboni said, he wouldn't believe in the slightest. The teen couldn't help but smirk at that look. A look she's always had to face from superiors.

"It was my birthday. I decided to treat myself since everyone forgot. I stole Melissa's credit card and did a bit of shopping. Though...he was watching me that whole time too." Eboni trails off, staring up at the ceiling with hollow eyes.

The lanky male finally spoke, "Who was following you."

"Jeff. Jeff the killer. You guys may say he isn't really but I saw him, with my own eyes. Fought him, with my own hands." The teen said, gripping her bed sheets tightly.

The lanky detective was the first to show how he felt. He was surprised, but his eyes held an unknown anger that peaked Eboni's interest. "Why didnt you go to the police!?"

"Micheal! You can't shout at the victim like that!" Mr. Smith scolds.

"Suspect. She is a suspect." Micheal corrects him, moving to lean on the wall crossing his arms over his chest.

Eboni knew then. Micheal is young looking, she knew he joined the force just to get some sort of revenge on Jeff. The killer must've took someone important to him. Does she care though, not at all. In fact she finds the ironic situation laughable.

"Well Micheal, who would believe me? I had no proof and melissa would be pissed. I just...had enough of her shit so I didn't say anything." He grumbles, tracing her still healing spilt lip with her fingers.

Smith took notice of that but decided to not say anything. "Anyways, he's been watching me the moment we moved into his old home. He'd stand cross the street, staring at my window all night. I didnt care I just knew he wouldn't make a move."

"You must be a fan of his huh? That has to be the reason why you didnt say anything!" Micheal snapped which earns a slap upside his head by smith.

"Sorry about him, please continue." Mr. Smith said kindly.

"Mhm, anyways Melissa and I got into another fight about her credit card. That's where I got this busted lip from."

"So that wasnt Jeff, noted." Smith said as he wrote something down on his notepad.

"Yeah. The lip and black eye was melissa. Later that night I went to the skate park to try out my new rollerblades. Jeff was there too, but he didnt approach me. He left early though, normally he would follow me home so I found that odd. But once I got home, those questions were answered." The girl chuckles bitterly.

"Ok, now what all did he say to you? Did he ask why he targeted you?" Micheal asked, finally sounding a bit more calm but that sharp look in his eyes never changed.

Eboni turns her head to finally lock her eyes with Micheal, her burning gaze unnerving even for the detective. "He called me a coward for not having the guts to murder them...and he was right. That family..those fuckers made my life worse than it already was. I was supposed to be given love, given help- but I was just a fucking tool to make that bitch look good. She said it herself, those were her last words before jeff killed her. The other three were already dead when I got there. After she died the two of us fought and the rest is...history." she sighs, an odd glint returning to her rather dark eyes.

Micheal noticed this and begins seething. " really are a sick. I get your life has been crap but that gives you no right to fantasize over something so horrific! Who's to say you wouldn't have killed them yourself if Jeff never did?!" He shouts, hands clenched into fist.

Eboni laughs. The teen broke out into a full fit of unhinged laughter. When she finally calms down, the girl is met with a bit of shaken expressions- except for the two strangers who still havent spoke yet.

"Because I'm a coward! I told you what jeff said. I don't have the gunts. I would've never had it. I could only hope...fucking wish they would drop dead by fucking flies. a infamous serial killer was the one to answer said wish." She mumbles, feeling exhausted thanks to the pain medication given by the doctors.

"And that's why you're a suspect!"

"Was." Mr. Smith said flatly, frowning at Micheal.

"What!? But she might as well could've been his accomplice!" He shouts, face red with anger.

"Jeff's blood was found at the crime scene. He left her for dead with those wounds. If we were a few minutes late she would've bleed to death. She a victim, Jeff the killers only surviver. And because of that-"

"You'll be place in our care." The middle age woman finally spoke, being one of the two strangers.

Eboni moves to lay down, curling up in her blankly. "Yeah sure...whatever." she grumbles.

The woman smiles softly, the male moving to stand closer to her. "My name is Tiffany and this is Daniel. We're your new foster parents."

"Dispite what you've been through with your previous one, those two are the most trusted within the foster system of this town. Not one child has ever complained."

"Maybe because they've been to scared straight to." Eboni chuckles, glancing at her new parents before closing her eyes. "We'll see if I match up to your shitty statistics." The teen said softly before slipping into a much needed deep slumber.





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