Chapter Twentytwo

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff goans, the light from the sun shining through Eboni's window hitting his eyes. He sighs, slowly hitting up from the bed but felt something cling to his waist- well someone. The killer looks down, letting out a heavy sigh. Its Eboni, her hair sticking out every which way while her arm and draped over his waist.

Jeff stares at her for a moment, taking in her features and the damage he's done to her body. He grins at the hickeys that's showing all over her neck and chest, the same hickeys she tried to hide with make up- which must've sweated off during their fun.

His grin, unbeknownst to him, turns into a soft smile as he leans closer to better look at her face. Small snores leaving pass her parted lips, the two scars on her face, and if he looks close enough he can see a bit of her vitiligo taking over the bridge of her nose.

Yes, Jeff finds this girl to be extremely attractive. He honestly doesnt understand how other guys didn't notice her horrifying beauty before he did. They're stupid. Idiots. The killer supposes it's a good thing since she belongs to him now. Jeff reaches to touch her scars, tracing them with his index finger.

Something within definitely changed. He doesn't know when, nor can he pinpoint what it is. Jeff isn't one to get attached to anything, it a weakness- a way for someone to use it against him. It's why he killed his family- though there are other reasons. Either way, the killer has no weakness...and he refuses for Eboni to be one of them. Yet here he is allowing his heart to want this girl for more than just her body- which is honestly a plus in his eyes.

Eboni begins to stir from Jeff's touches. She let's out a small yawn, rubbing her eyes sleepily- another thing Jeff found cute, though he'll never admit it. Once her vision is clear enough she sits up closely, whimpering at the soreness her body feels from the aftermath. The teen then realizes she felt her arm resting over something. She looks up and yelps loudly, flinching away from Jeff.

Jeff couldn't help but laugh, a genuine humor filled laugh. "Damn are you always this jumpy? Fucking relax for once."

Eboni stares at the killer in aw, the sound of his raspy laugh and groggy morning voice makes her heart swell. It's a weird feeling, but not a feeling she hates- but terrified of. Eboni pouts, quickly moving to cover herself with the blanket.

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