Chapter Twentyseven

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Third POV

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Third POV

Something isn't right. Jeff just finished another kill, but right now he's waiting for Eboni to respond to his message. Once his patience runs dry, he calls- but the phone keeps ringing. This is odd, Eboni always answers his calls, doesn't matter what she's doing. The teen could be in the middle of taking a shit and she'd still answer the call.

Jeff glances down at the time, clicking his tongue. He needs to return back to the mansion, but he can't shake this strange feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. With a heavy sigh he makes his way over to Eboni's home, hoping the girl is just sleeping- which is unlikely. Jeff noticed that Eboni is a very light sleeper. She jumps awake at the smallest of sounds, and always leaves her phone on ringer.

Once at her home, the first thing the killer notices is her open window. Eboni always closes her window before she goes to bed. Quickly climbing up, he lands on his feet- switching the light switch to her room. The killer's eyes widen, taking in the scene before him.

A struggle, clearly a struggle. He notices the blood on her floor, trying to keep his mind calm and emotions collected. There isn't much blood, so she had to have been taken- but by who? He didn't want to think slenderman made his move. He didn't want to think of what that faceless fucker could be doing to his girl.

Worry...that emotion. When was the last time Jeff ever felt worried for someone? The feeling is so foreign that he forces the feeling to morph into angry. With that settled, he dashes towards her window- jumping down and runs into the woods and straight towards the mansion.

As stated before he didn't want to think of the things slenderman could be doing to her. He didn't want the creature to use Eboni in order to make Jeff fully submit to his authority. He cares for this girl, and he hates that he does. Jeff can't stand how attached he's gotten to her in such a short amount of time. He still couldn't understand why he hasn't gotten bored of her. Maybe it's the sex, or that fire within her eyes that fuels his own.

Whatever the reason way be, he'll never find out if he returns to the Mansion to little to late- so he continues running, not wanting to waste a single second. And he didn't, kicking the door open- panting heavily from his running.

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