Chapter Fifteen

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff awoke to that slight buzzing pressure against his skull, slenderman singling him to return back. He groans in frustration, throwing the covers off of him. He hears a soft moan next to him, and a bit of shifting around. He looks to his side, a grin stretching his permanent smile.

"Eboni..." he whispers, taking in the damage he's done to her body. "Fuck.."

The more he thought about last night, the more he feels his length spring back to life. The sight of her messy curly hair all over her face and pillow, her lips pouty and slightly parted, his markings all over her neck and shoulders.

The killer sighs heavily, the buzzing pressure intensifying with every passing minute. He kicks his legs over the bed, standing and grabs his clothes- Ignoring his obvious erection. Jeff puts his clothes on rather swiftly after noticing what time it was. Ten minutes til twelve. He walks towards the window, but stops once he steps on a piece of paper. He bends down to pick it up, chuckling at what it was.

"The rules of a princess..." Jeff read aloud, scheming over the rules, raising a brow at one. "Aftercare? The fuck-"

The smiling killer suddenly had a memory about a conversation he had with EJ. He has no idea how the conversation came about, but he and BEN were informed that a woman's first time can be rather painful. At the time Jeff didn't give a shit, but now....

The killer glances at Eboni, mumbling curses under his breath as he walks towards her bathroom. He goes to turn on the water to boiling hot, noticing a strawberry scented bubble bath. He rolls his eyes, dumping a bit in with the water. Once it was high enough he turns the water off, writing a note with the sticky note and pen he snatched from her computer desk.

After leaving the bathroom he gives Eboni another glance, reminded of his hard on. He groans in frustration, walking straight towards the window and jumps out of it. Jeff quickly places his hood over his head, dashing straight into the woods. Once he felt safe away- from prying eyes, he slows down- taking his time.

The buzzing pressure has passed a bit once slenderman could feel that Jeff is returning back to the mansion. The events of last night is now playing on repeat in the killers mind. He couldn't understand why fucking her felt so...out of this world.

A cringy way of thinking about it, but what else could he come up with? For Eboni to be so willing for him, desperate for him- it brought a new form of excitement and sadistic-ness that killing couldn't fulfill. The two feelings were neck and neck at being his favorite highs.

One thing's for certain, he wants to play with her more- fuck her some more, over and over again. That girl felt like a drug and he's dying for another hit, but he'd never let her know that. He'd never let anyone know that- not even EJ and BEN.

Something about that bitch felt refreshing. A pretty little toy for him to mess up as much as he wants. And that look in her eyes, that twisted smile from last night. Jeff felt so close to turning around and walking back to her home if he wasn't already at the front doors of the mansion.

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