Chapter Twentyeight

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Third POV

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Third POV

"What is the meaning if this?"

Eboni's eyes widen at the sight of the faceless man. She should feel fear, but instead she's more curious. Without thinking, she peeks her head out more from behind Jeff's shoulder- getting a better look of the huge being.

Slenderman locks eyes with Eboni, tilting his head before looking down at his three fallen proxies. Intrigued, he moves closer- raising his radioactive levels. "Did this girl?"

The teen blinks her eyes a few times. She lets go of Jeff's hoodie, rubbing her eyes a few times. She can feel a some type of pressure trying to force it's way into her skull. It's making Eboni lightheaded, but she refuses to pass out- especially after everything that has happened.

"Y-Yeah I are you talking without a..." Eboni tried to say, but her voice is faint.

Jeff turns around, noticing the teen beginning to sway. Eboni looks up at Jeff through her blurry vision. "Jeff I...I don't feel so..." she starts, her nose beginning to bleed perfusely.

The killers eyes widen, turning to glare at Slenderman. "What the fuck- stop it! She can't handle it!"

"Y...yes I can...I-I can..." loud ringing mixed with static fills her brain causing her ears to bleed as well.

Eboni stumbles backwards, Jeff moving to catch her. Her body would get hotter the closer slenderman gotten. Finally the teen gives in, giving the faceless male one last glare before her body goes limp. Jeff holds onto Eboni tightly against his chest, tilting his head back to look at slenderman.

"You fucker! What was that for!?" He shouts, breathing becoming uneven due to her rage growing again.

Slenderman calms his powers down as he uses his tendrils to pick up Nina, Jane, and Clockwork. The creature looks at Eyeless Jack, pointing at Eboni in Jeff's arms. "Take her to your infirmary. The single room. Give her a light dose of the healing serum. I'll have Nurse Ann handle these three."

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