Chapter Thirtyfive🔞TW

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Third POV

Eboni had to admit that Alex's home is pretty huge. Almost mansion like. She questions how Taylor even knows him so well. After parting ways with Luna and Iris, Taylor drags Eboni to the males house- the walk there long but entertaining. Taylor's company can get a bit exhausting since all she seems to talk about is herself, but Eboni can over look that. She doesn't mind- to some extent.

However, when coming closer to the house the teen begins to feel extremely anxious. She's a home body, only going out shopping- mostly in the early morning hours to avoid crowds. Eboni is curious to see what the hype is about when it comes to parties, but once inside she quickly regrets coming. The smell of sweaty bodies, the air reeking of vap pins & alcohol, the sight of people making out in the corners and couches, bodies grinding against the other in a form of a dance, and the loud almost ear bleeding music playing- needless to say Eboni wholeheartedly wants to be at home right now, with Jeff.

"Hey! Aren't you the girl from that video?!" One guy shouts as he approaches her.

"Holy shit man she is! Damn, she's hotter up close." The other shouts, breath laced with liquor.

Taylor grins but Eboni isn't up for this. She knows nobody here but Taylor and Alex. She didn't ask to become suddenly popular over a stupid fighting video. This type of attention isn't what she craved before. Sure, maybe it would've been nice before Jeff stepped into the picture- but now she's annoyed by it.

With that in mind, Eboni taps the bottom of the boy's cup upward- liquor splashing out of the cup and onto his shirt & face. The other guy laughs while Taylor drags Eboni away with a frown on her face.

"C'mon gurl! Lighten the fuck up!" Taylor exclaims.

Eboni rolls her eyes. "I don't appreciate drunk losers making a pass at me."

"He was kinda cute- stop bein' so uptight!"

Eboni scoffs rolling her eyes. No one measures up to Jeff in her eyes. "No one can compare to Jeff."

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