Chapter Eleven

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Third POV


The way her name rolls off his tongue. It brought a pleasuring chill through his body. Jeff groans, walking through the dark forest on his way to the mansion. He was told to kill her. To fix his mistake, but...

He couldn't. Not with the way her body felt pressed against his own. The way she whined for him to stay, to do more. It was so, so tempting. Yet odd. When has Jeff ever felt any attraction towards a girl?

Christy was just a victim. One of his first. He didnt want to fuck her, let alone be with her. He was just a growing boy who had the urges of wanting to wear her guts all over him. Plus, she had a nice ass. So, what makes Eboni do damn different?

How was she able to hold the killer's attention for this long? Why didnt he want to kill her? She humiliated him by being his only survivor! But he almost kissed her-

"Fuck!" He shouts, kicking a random tree.

Jeff's frustrated. He always in tune with himself. The killer hates how his emotions are scattered, how his mind is full of thoughts contacting Eboni. He sighs, leaning against the tree he kicked.

" fuckin' bitch." He grumbles, closing his eyes.


His eyes shoot open, frowning deeply. Now his mind wants to play jokes. That did sound nice to the killer, the sound of Eboni begging. He grins, his length growing hard.

That's it. He just wants to play around with her like a toy. His toy. Fuck what Slenderman says. He wants Eboni. He's never felt like this before. Such need to fuck someone, to fool around with. He wants to see more. What other faces she could make, that fire behind her eyes dwindle once giving the attention she craves.

The smiling killer is so excited that he's close to turning around and going back to the teen's house- if not for the ringing in his ears. All proxies under slenderman have a set curfew to avoid them from breaking certain rules.

"Damnit. I'm not some fuckin' child you Octopus bitch." Jeff swears. He has a feeling the radioactive monster would want to ask if he cleaned up his mistake.

Jeff wanted to make it seem like he did. He needs slenderman to believe that he did his task. It would be ashame if the being kills Eboni before Jeff gets the chance to toy with her. So when the killer notices a wild rabbit staring at him he took it upon himself to kill the rabbit and smear its blood all over his hoodie, ripped jeans, and even a bit on his face.

When at the mansion, he opens the door and is greeted by slenderman. The monster stares at Jeff before speaking through the boy's mind. "Is it done?"

"Yeah yeah. The bitch is fuckin' dead." The killer said, rolling his eyes.

One of Jeff's skills is being able to lie through his teeth with the straightest face. He even mastered the rate of his heartbeat when preparing himself to lie. After spending the first few months in the mansion, Jeff noticed that slenderman doesn't favor invading his proxies mind so often.

The smiling killer found it stupid. How else are you going to keep your slaves under control if you cant do the simple shit? Nevertheless, Jeff always uses this piece of information to his advantage- just like now.

Slenderman stares at his unruly proxy for a moment, debating on using his powers on the boy or not. Out of all of his proxies, Jeff is the most untrustworthy and difficult to manage. He took him in after nearly killing him in a fight. He felt pity for the killer and found his skills to be exceptional. Jeff the killer could be of use to him, so he kept him alive. But if he knew how troubling this boy would be, he would've killed him that day.

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