Author's notes

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Hiiii so.....I know most of you aren't pleased with this ending.

Honestly, I made no road map for how I wanted this book to end. This was just a random thought and I wanted to turn it into a book. Most jeff the killer booms arent written how I believe they should be, so I wrote my own.

This is how I always pictured Jeff. A selfish, manipulative, narcissistic, as*hole. Everything he does, everything he says has always been for his personal gain. He's also VERY prideful.

He isn't loving. He isn't soft. He never cared for anyone but himself, not even his brother (this Jeff is heavily based on 'David Near' version. I believe his makes far more sense. Check out his YouTube channel please, to get a better understanding as to why Jeff is written the way he is)

Why would Jeff bother being soft when he has no reason to be? All he craves his violence and bloodshed. Meeting Eboni wasn't going to change that over night. Not only did he still plan to kill her, but he wanted to still toy around with her. He grew intrigued with her, and she was a good f*ck. A toy, if you will.

What caught his attention was the fact she didn't show fear. Jeff thrives on fear, it adds to the joy of his killings. So to randomly fight toe to toe with this girl not only pissed him off, but made him excited.

So he kept her alive, and eventually grew attached. He was never going to admit such a thing, not even to himself. Eboni was just another possession that he didn't want anyone else to have. But after almost losing her the first time is when he starts to battle with the small rational part of his brain against the psychotic part.

But the Narcissistic, manipulative traits of him only made the rational part a losing battle. His attached towards Eboni quickly became a obsession. So when luna tried to get in between that, he took the fact that Eboni was indeed being stalked to his advantage, to show how much better he is for Eboni and not some friend.

So taking those bullets, even if it meant dying, was apart of drawing Eboni closer in only wanting him how he only wants her. I'm sure I dont have to explain Christmas now do I?

Anyways, Jeff never experienced lost before. He never cared for anyone enough to fear feeling that emotion. Which is why he's always to himself. Caring for something, anything- was thought to be a weakness for slenderman to used against him to make him submit.

He was right of course, lol.

So finally having Eboni where he wants her, all to himself- only to lose her like this would crush him to pieces. Which is why he drowned the way he did. Added to the guilt of once again letting his pride get to his head. He knew just how much of a hold she had on him, so he felt so lost without her near him all the time.

Jeff wasn't going to end his own life if I wrote Eboni to die.

He would've just went down a very more harsh and destructive path. He would've became a true monster.

He's still a narcissistic prideful person, but he'll only lower his guard, show his humility, show his selflessness for the only girl (only person) that's ever made him feel truly free/in control- Eboni.


NOW! I am willing to do a Q & A. You can ask me questions, or even ask the characters questions and they'll be answered from their perspective. It can be any questions! I'll answer them all the best way I can.

There will also be at least three for four bonus chapters. More so fuller chapters I was thinking of adding that I thought would be best to leave out. There just chapters before the events of Eboni's tragic fate.

- there will also be a squeal!!! It will foucs more on Luna×Toby, Hoodie×Iris, and Taylor×Masky. The story is mostly going to foucs on Luna and toby though. So I hope you're looking forward to that!

-- lastly I want to thank everyone that's given this book a chance. I'm sorry for the many....MANY misspelled words & grammar errors. I re read my own chapters after I publish them and cringe but never have the time to fix them. So when I do I will DEFINITELY do so. Each chapter that has been edited will say •EDITED• at the end of the chapter title.

That is all everyone! Look forward to the Bonus chapters, ask me anything within the Q & A option, and also- thanks again truly! Love you all and stay safe!💖

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