Chapter Sixteen 🔞

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Third POV

Eboni didn't waste any time moving in between the killer's legs, moving onto her knees as instructed to. She lowers her head, placing her hands on her lap. Jeff places a hand over his mouth, taking in the girl's appearance. He clicks his tongue, tugging the robe off of her body in one swift movement.

Eboni tenses, suddenly feeling self conscious and exposed. Sure, she gave herself to him but that didnt ease the thoughts of insecurities of her skin condition and scared face. The smiling killer stares at the teen, tilting his head at her sudden tense form.

He leans over and traces his hand against each hickey he left. The Cheshire killer couldn't suppress the grin stretching his permanent smile. Jeff suddenly grips her jaw, forcing Eboni to look at him.

"Relax, don't plan on hurting ya' just yet." He teases, enjoying the reaction it brought.

Eboni whines softly, biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together. She's at a lost for words. In fact she doesn't plan to speak unless told to. She couldn't stop her eyes from glances at the obvious hard on staring back at her.

The killer chuckles, moving his free hand over his crotch. "Look at you, damn shameless huh? Can't help but look. Want me that badly, hm princess?"

Eboni moves to nod her head, but Jeff's grip on her jaw prevents her from doing so. "Use your words."

"Y-Yes...yes please.." the teen begs, nibbling her bottom lip.

Jeff was struggling to maintain control. Never has he been faced with something like this. This girl...looking at him with such adoration and admiration. He's never had anyone look at him like this, let alone a girl.

He leans back in the chair, running his hand down his face. "Fuckin' hell....take that shit off and get on my lap."

Eboni somehow knew Jeff was referring to her panties, so she does as told- sitting down on his right leg shyly. The killer raises his head, looking at the girl with his infamous twisted smile. He places one hand under her, picking her up easily- like she weighs as little as a feather.

The teen yelps, subconsciously placing her hands on his shoulders and wrapping her legs around him as he stands- moving to sit on the edge of her bed. Jeff moves his hands to Eboni's hips, gripping where he knew the bruises were. The woman whimpers, the feeling of his clothed crotch pressing against her core- making her needy.

Jeff laughs, moving a hand up her thigh raising her gown up. He stares at her pussy, slowly tracing circles on her still swollen clit. He watches Eboni's face twist in pain and pleasure, making him chuckle.

"I know ya' want more princess- but this has to heal first. Now, I came back to talk over these rules- yeah? Let's get started." The Chelsea grinning killer said, moving to sit Eboni next to him. "I read a bit of it. Did you get that shit from a forum online?"

Eboni sighs, looking down at her nails. "Yeah. Saw no reason in making my own. Just another fantasy moment." She shrugs, glancing up at him before looking away. His stare is just to intense at times.

Jeff laughs, shaking his head. "Shit, should've known. Whatever, ya' do now." He grins.

The girl nods, smiling only a bit. "Fair point."

"Mhm...most of the crap I read is shit. No swearing? I dont give a shit how you talk. Would've killed you if I gave that many fucks." He grins, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Just dont disrespect me ever again."

"Rule number it." Eboni said, wanting to write all of this down but didn't want to move from her comfortable spot on her bed.

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