Chapter Fiftyseven

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Third POV

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Third POV

"He loves me...he really loves me..." she thought to herself, mind in a completely daze as she moves further onto his medical bed wanting to cuddle.

Jeff was about to embrace her but the burning looking in his brother's eyes is irking him. He sighs heavily, pushing Eboni back gently which makes the girl whine a bit. He grins, leaning to run his thumb across her lip- making her pout.

"Give me five minutes to talk to my brother."

Eboni huffs, but nods her head. He chuckles, leaning down and pecks her lips. "Then you can lay on my all you want."

The teen smiles happily, slowly moving out of his bed- Jack joining her side to help her walk out of the room and back- into her own. Luna & Iris follow while the male killers stay behind, wanting to hear this conversation between the two brothers.

Jeff grins, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. "Fuck you want Liu?"

"You look like shit." He said flatly.

"Your nose looks like broken. Who you piss off to earn that?"

Toby scoffs, moving to lean against the wall near Hoodie. Liu moves closer, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're full of shit."

"What else is new?"

"You almost died! And for some bitch? Really Jeff?"

Jeff's eyes hardened, his body leaning forward threatening. "Watch it Liu, unless you want another new set of snitches."

He laughs, shaking his head. "Damn...she really has fucked with your head."

"My head was already fucked. She's just made shit way more...entertaining. Her pussy's great too." He smirks.

"You said you loved her Jeff, we all know that's a load of bullshit."

"How would you know? We all love in different ways Liu-"

"You're incapable of loving anything Jeff. All you do is take. You took our parents lives, tried to take mine. You killed every pet I had for kicks. You're just going to end up killing her to. So spare her your shit and kill that bitch alr-"

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