Chapter Twentysix

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Third POV

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Third POV

Swaying. Leaves crushing. Smell of wet tree bark. Eboni can feel herself begin to regain consciousness, but she knows she's no longer in her room. She can feel that shes bound by her hands and feet with rope, tap covering her mouth. They must've gone through her BDSM box for the rope. The teen keeps her eyes close and body limp, knowing someone is behind whoever is carrying her- watching her any sign that she's awake.

Now that the adrenaline has died down, Eboni can feel the damage inflicted by these three woman. The pain on her hand is beginning to be unbearable, blood still dripping from her fingertips. Her lip is clearly swollen, one if her eyes are swollen shut and her jaw is bruised. And her ankle may be broken, she isn't sure yet but can feel the pain all the same. And her ribs, ach so much.

Eboni is enraged. She hates losing fights, but she knows that her over confidence got the better of her. She wasn't in shape and barely has any muscle. She's gotten lazy, gotten comfortable and she knows this. But right now, she plans to do whatever she can to make it out of this alive- or at least until she gets to see Jeff again.

"Fuck, this bitch is heavy! Why do I have to carry her?!" Jane questions, in frustration.

"Because you still functioning shoulders." Clockwork snaps back, clearly irritated.

"Why would Jeff mess around with an unfit fat whore? I don't get it!! All those sex toys!? She's clearly fucking other guys! Jeff doesn't share anything!" Nina shouts, walking behind Jane and clockwork to keep her eyes on Eboni.

"I don't know Nina, and I really don't care. I hate Jeff, but not to the point that I'm going to figure out why he does the shit that he do." Jane huffs.

"He's a piece of shit anyways. The real question is why this bitch gave him the time of day to begin with instead of calling the cops?"

"Ugh! Maybe she works for zalgo and used like a smell or something! She bewitched my Jeff!" Nina cries dramatically, making the other two women roll their eyes.

"Zalgo? What the hell is a zalgo?" Eboni thought to herself, making a note to ask Jeff if she makes it out if this.

"Whatever it is, we'll just beat the answers out of her." Clockwork grins.

"Finally! We're here!" Jane cheers, ready to drop Eboni the moment they step inside.

Nina limps to the door, opening it quietly. She picks inside, smiling at the fact no one is in the livingroom. "Coast is clear!", she whisper shouts pushing the door wide enough for the two of them to enter.

Jane was the first to walk in, throwing Eboni onto the ground. The teen had to hold back her cry of pain, having landed on the side of her injured rib. Eboni can tell the room is dark, no light on at all. Its quiet for a moment before the sound to footsteps begin to fade away. The teen hears water running for a few minutes before it switches off. The footsteps return, a bucket of ice cold water pouring down onto Eboni.

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