Chapter Two

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Third POV

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Third POV

"Where did you run off too?! Dinner is ready and you didn't help set the table!", melissa- Eboni's foster mother shouts in frustration.

Eboni swears under her mask, pulling her headphones back onto her shoulders. She walks into the kitchen, avoiding moving boxes still full along the way. She sits at the far end of the long oval shaped kitchen table.

"Are you going to answer-"

"I went on a walk." Eboni sharply says, cutting melissa off.

"Do not interrupt me when I'm speaking! Goodness, I know I taught you better manners. And take that mask off at the table!"

Eboni reluctantly takes off her mask, ignoring the stares from her foster siblings. Three permanent scars. She still remembers that horrific day. It was her third foster family, the teen being ten at the time. Her foster mother at the time had a abusive boyfriend who happened to be on heroin.

During her stay there, the male would make passes at the little girl. It made her uncomfortable but she never told the foster mother a thing- nor her social worker. That was until the day the man almost raped the poor child. Eboni fought all her might until the foster mother came home.

The male had quickly left the child's room, going completely unnoticed my the foster mother. During dinner, Eboni had gained the courage to finally tell the mother everything. But instead of getting protection, she earned a beating. The mother called her so many slurs and degrading names.

The foster mother allowed her boyfriend to beat the girl senseless. The beating ended with him grabbing a knife, cutting her right cheek and across it. Her vitiligo has reached that side of her face at that point. He finishes with cutting across under both eyes and nose as well as the left corner of her lip. He said it's meant to be a reminder on why little girls shouldn't tell such huge lies.

Three days later, Eboni was removed from the home and placed in a different one- but the damage was done. The moment the scars healed, Eboni wore a mask everywhere she went. That only caused more bullying. Having her foster siblings stare at them every time she takes it off irks her.

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