Chapter Nineteen

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Third POV

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Third POV

After Jeff left Eboni's place, he went straight back to the mansion. It was getting late and he didn't want slenderman to chew his ass out. So for once the killer will make it to his office on time to give his report of his mission.

Perusal, the killer kicks open the door and kicks it close. He ignores all eyes on him and walks straight to Slenderman's office. Jeff opens the door, not bothering to knock- he just didn't care whether the humanoid creature was busy or not.

Unfortunately, Slenderman isn't in the mood for Jeff's mis mannered tendencies. "Jeffrey...."

"Yeah I know, so unlike me to 'follow your rules', but there's other shit I got plan."

" were to sloppy. I should've never sent you out of all my proxies." Slenderman grumbles in frustration, pitching the bridge of his nose- if he had one on his faceless being.

Jeff's decent moods quickly vanished from the creatures words. Sure, the smiling killer didn't need validation from anything nor anyone. However, Slenderman insinuating that he should've chosen someone else is what ticks Jeff off.

"The fuck you mean by that? I killed those fuckers! Just like you asked!" He shouts, his eyes crazed with anger.

"And I had to clean up your mess boy! Watch. Your. Tone. You left far to many trances for those humans to find. They were able to link the murders to you Jeffery. You've caused more trouble instead of relieving me from it."

To say Jeff was fuming would be an understatement. The Chester smiling killer is so livid that he can't control his body from shaking with rage. So what if this beast had to clean up a few trances, he still got the job done.

"So. What?" Jeff said through clench teeth as he walks forward and slames his fist on the monster's desk. "So what!? I killed them! That's all that should fucking matter! So what if-"

Slender stands from his desks, his tendrils spreading wide from his back. He looms over Jeff, grabbing the male by his throat. "You...have forgotten your place here, Jeffrey. You work for me. You follow me. You do as your instructed with no backtalk. Do you understand?"

The killer didn't answer. Instead he held his hateful glare at the faceless creature- thrashing around in its hold while clawing at its tendrils. Slenderman grumbles at this disobedience, the tendril around Jeff's neck tightening.

"Do. You. Understand. Me?" Slenderman ask once more, sending huge amounts of static pain through the killer's brain.

Jeff groans from the pain, choking and gagging from the grip the tendril has on his throat. "Y-Yes.." he forces out through ragged breath.

With that said, slenderman drops the killer to the ground- his tendril retreating into its back. The beast turns around, his back facing Jeff. He points to the file on his desk.

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