Chapter Fortythree

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's been hours, but to Jeff it feels like years. Most of the proxies left due to missions or losing interest in the situation once they know Jeff wouldn't try getting into the room again. BEN stayed behind, trying his best to comfort him.

"....nothings been determined yet Jeff. She might be-"

"The fucking machine flat lined dipshit shit just...just shut up..." he whispers, voice shaky.

The killer has lost all his strength to fight back, that was until he hears foot steps rushing down the hall. He glances up, seeing Hoodie, that gloomy girl, the witch, and Toby. The sight of Toby makes his blood boil. The smiling killer staggers to his feet. Without hesitation he pushes past everyone and punches Toby in his cheek, knocking him back against the well- goggles slipping down his face.

" were supposed to be watching her!" He shouts.

Toby straightens himself back up. He looks at Luna, shaking his head. He didn't want her to intervene. Toby focus his attention back to Jeff, spitting blood onto the ground.

"S-Something.....came up.." He mumbles, glancing at Luna again.

"What the fuck can possibly be more important that MY GIRL!?" Jeff shouts, trembling hands moving to grip his hair again. "Goddamnit! Why did I put trust in a ticking freak like you!? All you had to do was watch her you-"

"A-And all you had to do w-was get your sh-shit together. You didn't. I t-told you she was getting worse. D-Don't stand here and play victim. Y-You played the b-biggest role in all of this. The one at f-fault is you." Toby said, his tics getting worse.

Jeff of course didn't want to admit at Toby's right. Jeff said he wouldn't point fingers, but guess old habits die hard with him rather quickly than others. The guilt was becoming to much for the smiling killer to handle. It shouldn't be surprising. Jeff never felt guilt towards any of the things he's done. In his mind, he's always right- never wrong. Every decision, be it good or bad, is always justified no matter how twisted it may be.

"Must've saw it all then?" Jeff questions, moving away from Toby to lean against the opposite wall.

Toby nods, pulling his mask down to his neck. "I-It was fucked up. That v-video..." he glances at the door, sighing heavily. "I-I knew she would d-do something extreme. S-So I came back to regroup, make sure slenderman was gone. B-But as I said....something came up so-"

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