Chapter Fifty🔞

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Third POV

"....what?" Jeff questions, his eyes moving from the rope in her hands to Eboni. "Princess what are you-"

The teen didn't waste anymore time explaining herself. She storms back over to her bed, pushing Jeff down with such force that it knocks the wind out of him. She moves on top of him, yanking his hoodie and black shirt off. Eboni grabs his wrist and quickly ties them to her bed frame, so tight that it'll leave rope burns.

Since everything is happening so quickly, Jeff doesn't get the chance to process what's happening. He tries to speak but Eboni placed her hand over his mouth as the other moves to undo the zipper to his skinny Jeans. The girl pulls his boxers down just enough for his length to spring out, pre already leaking from the tip.

Eboni moves her hand from Jeff's mouth as she begins stripping, "whoa, whoa! Eboni hold on- I don't think-"

"Just shut up and eat me." She demands, lowering herself onto his face.

To Jeff's own surpise, he didn't protest- didn't bother to fight back. This new side to Eboni is honestly turning him on, making all sense of reason to disappear. He opens his mouth, lapping at her folds teasingly.

Eboni curses, knowing what Jeff is trying to do. She leans backward, hand wrapping painful tight around his cock. "When I say eat me- I except you to devour me like I'm you're last meal. Get. To. Work- hnn!~ yeah..yeah that's it."

Jeff groans from Eboni's tight grip around him. He quickly shoves his tongue inside of her, swirling and thrusting it. The motions makes Eboni grind against his face, his nose rubbing against her clit. The girl moans softly, moving her hand up and down his shaft, twisting her wrist for extra friction.

"Y-Yeah...oh Jeff~ just like that!"

The sounds of her sweet silky moans, her thick thighs squeezing tightly around his face, and the delicious taste of her pussy, added with the handjob to his dick- the smiling killer doesn't care that he's struggling to breath. This praise from his girl, making his heart swell with so much pride. He misses this, pleasing her. Giving up control to such a extent- is far more freeing than he thought.

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