Chapter Nine

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff couldnt help but grin at the sight of the teen's shock expression. It gave him a chance to notice her tongue piercing making his grin grow even more. He had to admit that she looks oddly appealing in just her nightwear. Reveling so much, jeff notices the amount of white blouses on her legs and arms.

Eboni is a bit panicky. She left her knife strap in her bathroom, and her knife is under her pillow which she is a hood distance from. However, she refused to show an ounce of fear for the smiling killer's enjoyment. Yet she stood still, watching- waiting for him to make a move.

Jeff only chuckles, holding his hands up in the air to show he has no weapon on him. Eboni raised a questioning brow- her face reading, 'you're bullshiting me-' The look causes him to laugh as he reached into his pocket and throws his knife on the floor, reaching under his shoe to remove another knife- tossing that one as well.

"Didn't come to kill you." Jeff explains, his permanent grin never fading.

"Bullshit." Eboni spat, itching towards her bed.

The cheshire smiling killer hums, watching the girl slowly move towards her head. It found it assuming for her to think he wouldn't notice. "I'm a lot of things princess, a liar isn't one of them."

She couldn't help but laugh. A serial killer stating he isn't a liar- how ironic. "That's funny, even for you." Eboni frowns, keeping her eyes locked with his crazed red ones.

"Am I? What about you?" He frowns, his mood suddenly shifting.

Eboni could feel his sudden mood change, causing her to freeze once again. Jeff begins stalking towards her, the look in his eyes hard and crisp.

"Dont pretend you weren't desperate to see me, princess. It shows, like you're not even trying to hide that fucked up excitement you feel." He said, his frown slowly twitching into his crazed signature smile.

Eboni's knees felt a bit weak from the term 'princess'. She never had an affect take over her by just anyone saying that term. However, the sound of Jeff's raspy voice directing it at her brings an odd sensation to her stomach. She states at him, eyes wide like saucers as he moves closer.

"Admit princess- you love it when I call you that, don't you." He mocks, "you've been aching to see me again- almost longing for it. Tell the truth you-"

In a shift motion, Eboni rushes to her bed reaching under her pillow to grab her knife. When she tried click the blade out, Jeff had already grabbed her wrist- pinning her body to the wall harshly, making her moan slightly at the impact.

He grins, pinning both her arms above her head with one hand gripping her wrist. Jeff pushes her legs open with his own, his knee dangerously close to her core. He places his other free hand around Eboni's throat- squeezing lightly while pressing his body against her own.

The two stayed like this for awhile, Eboni struggling to break free and Jeff enjoying the show. "You longed for this, haven't you?"

She gasp, averting her eyes from his crazed ones. "Fucking- let go!" She shouts.

Jeff's grip on her throat tightens, making her gasp. He presses himself more against her, staring deeply into her honey brown eyes. Eboni couldn't admit it to him, the one who nearly took her life- but he wasn't lying. Even now, the feeling of their bodies pressed so closely together is messing with her already fucked up brain.

"Why play coy? You knew...knew I was watching your every single step. I know what you want, what you long for, what you crave. If you really didnt like this, you would've screamed for that cop to come to the rescue. Isn't that right..." he leans down, whispering into her ear. "Princess."

She whimpers. Eboni couldn't hide how much she's enjoying this. The trill, the attention, the feeling. All of it. She wants more, far more than what he's giving. Eboni squirms against him, finally locking eyes with him.

"That's've wanted this attention for so, so long. What a touch deprived attention craving bitch you are." Jeff laughs mockingly.

Eboni still held onto her knife though her hands are pinned, but after those words she drops it- staring aimlessly into his hypnotic red eyes. She whines, her lips parting slightly before biting her bottom lip.

Jeff's mocking grin quickly faded from Eboni's actions. He stares shamelessly at her lips, releasing a deep groan. It's odd, the killer as never experienced something like this before. His plan was to sneak into her room and kill her once her guard was down, but he pushed those plans aside the moment he saw her dance- her movements placing him into a trance.

His sudden urge to kill her for humiliating him quickly changed. Instead, Jeff wanted to humiliate her by exposing her secret desires- he had no idea that a bit of mocking before ending her would lead to...this.

"Fuck...He told me to kill you...but.." Jeff trails off, leaning closer to her lips he's been wanting to taste. "I wanna keep you around...just a bit longer.." he whispers against her lips.

"Jeff..." she whispers, her knees close to giving way.

Eboni fully embraced just how fucked this entire situation is, just how screwed up she is. The teen should be screaming, begging this serial killer spare her. She should be fighting back with every ounce of strength she has, but her desires are far more stronger than her sense of reason.

She didn't care if he kills her afterwards. As long as she could finally experience her fantasies to the fullest, death will be gladly welcomed by the man that lips are brushing against hers- the contact so light Eboni would've imagined it if not for his knee pressing against her surprisingly wet core.

Before the killer could finally slame his lips to hers, Eboni's name is called from downstairs followed by a set of footsteps up those stairs. Jeff groans, irritation clawing up onto his skin. He glares at the door, moving to head towards it. Eboni whines again, wanting them to stay completely flushed against one another.

Jeff stops, looking at her with that mocking grin of his. "I'd kill that bitch if I didn't struggle to find you this go around- rather not put myself through that bullshit again." Nevertheless, the killer pulls away, grabbing his knives and placing both into his pockets. He rushing to the window, jumping onto the windowsill before turning his head. "See ya' around, princess."

Eboni could only nod as she watches him jump out of her window. The teen slowly slides down against the wall, her widen eyes catching sight if her knife on the ground. Before she could reach for it, Tiffany opens her bedroom door with a gasp.

She rushes to her side, gently helping her off the ground and onto her bed. "Oh my! Dear, what happened?" She asked gently.

Eboni could only shake her head at the question, not knowing exactly what just took place herself. If Tiffany hadn't interrupted them then...... Just what has her life come to?





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