Chapter Fortyfive

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's been three days since everything. Eboni still shows no signs of waking up any time soon, but she is doing much better- physically speaking. Slenderman has returned from whatever he was doing, quickly punishing Hoodie & Toby for aiding in releasing Jeff. Slenderman was debating on placing Jeff back inside the white room, but considering he saved Eboni- he'll let it side.

There's a reason why Eboni is so valuable to the faceless creature. She's proven herself countless times as being his next new proxy, but her process still isn't completed. Despite all that has happened, Slenderman thought Eboni would kill the boy- not herself. He miscalculated once again. This is becoming more difficult than he thought it'll be- more difficult than all his other proxy recruitment, and Jeff plays a huge factor in it all.

Speaking of the smiling killer, he's been surprisingly calm these past days. He hardly leaves Eboni's side and doesn't entertain conversations with the other proxies. Many has come to tease and poke of him, but he'd ignore them- eyes never leaving his girl. To say this change in Jeff is quite unsettling is a understatement. Jane & Nina no longer irk him like they used to. Their presence within the mansion means nothing to him anymore. All that matters is Eboni.

Slenderman noticed this and has been using it to his advantage. He'd send Jeff on many missions throughout the night, leaving him with no rest. The faceless male is testing Jeff's limits, wanting to see how much he can take. Most of these missions are him killing more Red Riders members, nothing to difficult- but indeed time consuming. Because of this, Jeff would ask BEN and Jack to guard Eboni- not trusting any of the other proxies within the mansion. He won't put it past any of them in regards to hurting the one person he cares for most.

Right now Jeff is out on another mission, BEN being tasked to watch her but the gaming demon is knocked out cold- snoring rather loudly. Eboni is still on the medical bed, deep within her mind- surrounded by darkness and painful memories.

Eboni watches the events of her miserable life unfold over and over again, questioning if this is her own personal hell. Well, it's better than living still. She watches her parents death over and over again, their mangled bodies still haunting her yet no longer hurnting her as much as it used to. Then she'll be force to watch every moment spent with Alex- every time he raped her & and everytime he beat her.

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