Chapter Fortynine

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's now another week, monday to be in fact. After that incident, Eboni has quickly been getting better. Anything said to or about her would be met with a middle finger or any weapon she could grab to their throat. Her backbone is coming back, thanks to Jeff and also being surrounded by crazy serial killers would make the process much faster.

Also, it seems Eboni can't keep her hands off of Jeff. They're moving slowly, but sometimes Jeff would have to remind her to slow down- for her sake. Jeff has given Eboni full control over the bedroom, letting her guide his hands on her body, making her say what she wants done to her instead of him making the first moves. He's teaching Eboni to be more vocal to avoid anymore traumatic memories.

Right now Eboni is watching the news with a blank expression, Jeff's arm wrapped over her shoulder- making Eboni lean into him. Jack soon joins them along with BEN, Sally, Laughing Jack, Toby, and Hoodie.

"....I think it's time for me to go back."

All eyes turn to Eboni, some surprised but others understand- Jeff is apart of the surpised ones. "What the hell-, why?"

"Look at that shit. Look at them. Their lies. That bitch. There's...still a few loose ends that need tying up."

"But those fuckers aren't-"

Eboni looks at Jeff, an emotion swimming in them that can he detect. The two stare at each other until Jeff eventually gives in. He moves to whisper in her ear. "Proud of you princess."

The praise makes her heart swell while smiling. She looks up at him, the two sharing a quick kiss. "Walk me home?"


"Wait Eboni I don't wanna see you go!"

"Then close your eyes." BEN said nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders.

BEN was of course met with a pillow to his face. He should be thankful sally doesn't use knives. Eboni stands, stretching her limbs. She walks towards the front door but Jack stops her.

"Wait- hold on, what's your plan? There's no way you won't be questioned by the police. And thanks to that douch bag, they know your linked to Jeff somehow. Wasn't the police already suspicious of that theory?"

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