Chapter Thirtytwo

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Third POV

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Third POV

After Jeff left, Eboni kicked everyone out- stating that she had a long weekend and deserves some rest in her own bed. Iris and Luna didn't complain and left, wishing Eboni the best. But Taylor did not. She clearly didn't like the power Jeff has over Eboni. The teen knows this as well, it's been written all over Taylor's face. Does she care? Not at all. She belongs to Jeff and nothing about that fact will change. The sooner Taylor accepts that, the better.

Now its Monday. Tiffany had called Eboni in check in on her. The teen was a bit surpised that she didn't receive any text nor phone calls from the woman over the weekend. Maybe she thought the teen was out living her best life and didn't want to get in the way of that. Either way it worked out since Eboni was stick at that mansion.

Eboni couldn't take her rollerblades this time so her only option of transportation is her bike. Her hand has gotten better as well as the bruise on the side of her ribs- which is fading.

Once at the school, she chains up her bike and tightens her cast before walking through the school doors. While walking to her locker, the teen notices most of the students staring at her- whispering words to their friends or giving her a look of acknowledgment which is odd. The atmosphere of their stares doesn't seem negative in any way.

"Has to be about the Red Riders ga-"

As Eboni is opening her locker to grab her books for first period, a strong force knocks her straight into her locker making it slame close on her injured hand. The teen holds back her cry of pain, glaring at the person who's responsible for it.

Trisha glares down at Eboni, grabbing the girl's hair. The teen whences, glaring daggers at Trisha. It seems like this girl can never catch a break. Beth stands there, grinning like some mad woman. Looks like these two have been aching to get their hands on Eboni.

"Patience really is a virtue huh? We tried to get Taylor to Spill on where you live, but that bitch wouldn't fess up."

"We know you got something to do with the murders if our members. Spill the beans and we might spare you an ass kicking!" Trisha shouts in Eboni's face.

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