Chapter Fiftyfour

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff couldn't help the rage building inside. Space from him? After all that he's done? He messes up one time and this is the treatment he gets? Her friends, that witch. She's to blame. She isn't another Taylor. That blue haired bitch is in a ledge of her own.

That aside, he can't seem to shake the stinging pain in his heart. That angry look in her eyes. That anger directed atim. It made the guilt of leaving the first time eat at him. It's a strange pattern they seem to share. Have a fight or a misfortune event, Jeff reacts on impulse anger and Eboni is left in the dust just to harbor resentment. And neither of them openly admits to their mistakes.

Thought Jeff did only once. He truly did regret leaving her in that state of mental anguish, but not for beating the crap out of Masky. The anger had to come out one way or the other. They both seem to already be failing on their promises. Communication is heavily lacking, and the trust seems to have never returned- even after their moment of intimacy those days ago. So what else can Jeff possibly do?

How can he get a hold of Eboni again? Like how it was in the beginning? Maybe he should stop giving a fuck. He didn't care about Eboni as deeply. He was ruthless and only wanted things his way. She was just a toy, a object. Someone for him to mess around with, to break. Yet someone already beat him to that point.

"Fuck!" He roars, kicking the tree he's been resting on for the pass hour.

Eboni belongs to him. That's a simple fact. A fact that no one around him seems to understand- not even Eboni. She forgot her place and he forgot his edge. He's Jeff the fucking Killer. He bows to no one. He doesn't beg anyone for anything he wants. He takes and takes, never gives. Like hell he'll let some random girl have him wrapped around their finger.

But Eboni isn't a random girl. she isn't, but she's his- and everyone is trying to take her away. Trying to confuse her, make her doubt her attraction towards Jeff. She forgot what drew her in the first place- why she gave herself to him so easily.

Here is trying to gain some type of control and independence when she never wanted those things in the first place. She wanted to be someone's toy. She wanted to be controlled, manhandled, forced into submission. She wanted someone to fully rely on, no longer think nor make tough decisions. She just wanted to exist with no worry, no stress- and she found Jeff to be the perfect candidate for that.

Yet he's far from it.

He's toxic. Taking more from him will lead to anyone's demise. The smiling killer knows this, but he doesn't care, not anymore. What Eboni wants no longer matters. Sure he wants what's best for Eboni, and what's best for her is him. No one else can handle her like him, tame her like him. She's like a wild animal and he has the strength to hold the end of her leash.

He'll make them all see that. No one is better than him. He is the best. He is the first to hold 'The Killer' title. No one can compare. Eboni is his, only his. He'll chain her down, cuff their wrist together, put a leash on her and drag her everywhere he goes. He'll kill anyone that tries to take her, tries to influence her against him. He'll kill that witch, her sister, even Hoodie and Toby. He'll kill everyone if need be.

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