Chapter Twentythree

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Third POV

Jeff lands on the ground with a long sigh. He glances around before dashing into the woods, so he's out of prying eyes. Once in the woods, he takes a glance at Eboni's home, his heart filling with something he has yet to comprehend.

It's weird for the killer. As cliche as it may sound, Jeff is heartless. He's known for not caring about anyone but himself. Sure he gets along with Jack and BEN, but he still puts himself first above anything and anyone. That's how it's always been, but now the killer is beginning to question so much.

Jeff kicks a tree in frustration during his walk back to the mansion. He can't understand what makes Eboni so different. He never, in his whole life, thought that he'd run someone's bath water, bathe them, and even do their hair! He's selfish not selfless- not even with his younger brother.

The core of his frustrations are his emotions being thrown out of wack. One of the things that makes this killer so deadly is how in tune he is with himself. He fully embraced his sick murderous tendencies unlike most of the proxies. Maybe this is because the main emotions he experiences daily are anger & anything to do with murder.

Now he's feeling emotions that he never thought he'd get acquainted with. Caring for someone else other than himself. It's so strange, and annoying- but not all that bad. Jeff takes into consideration that Eboni isn't as annoying as he thought she may be. She does what she's told, even making it fun with her slight remarks and back talk.

And that attitude. He cant get enough of her feisty nature, yet she's always ready to please him. She's so different with everyone she encounters, but so...obedient with only him. That makes his heart skip and flutters fill his stomach. The killer hunches over, thinking he's about to vomit from the feeling.

He gags, shaking his head. "Damnit...that bitch." He chuckles, continuing his walk.

Jeff would never admit what he's feeling with anyone, not even Eboni. Though he is starting to embrace these emotions, he still believes that these feelings are a weakness. The killer isn't a vulnerable guy, he's never been one. Another thing that makes him dangerous and unruly is that he has no weakness. So if Slenderman does know about Eboni, he could use her as leverage- which quickly angers him.

Once at the mansion doors, he kicks it open perusal. No one pays him much mind, which calms the killer- until an annoying fellow killer jumps in front of his face. Jeff can feel his eye twitch from the sight of Nina way to close to his face.

"Hi J-" Nina's eyes widen as she leans over to sniff at his hair. "Huh? You smell even more fruitier than before! Why is-"

Jeff grabs Nina's face and squeezes tightly. He glares at her, his eyes laced with an immutable unhing hatred. "Stay the FUCK away from me you copycat. Mind your damn business! I will never be with you, I will never want you- and even if we were the last two people on earth, I'd rather killer than be forced to fuck you." He seethes through clench teeth before tossing the girl to the ground like a ragdoll.

Nina was shock, hurt clouding her vision and heart. It didn't take her long to put two and two together. With that in mind, she stands to her feet and rushes out of the house- Jane and Clockwork rushing after her. Everyone else was still in shock. The proxies know how much Jeff hates Nina, but he's words has never been to this level before- in terms of making Nina hate him.

He takes this time to compare the two girls- Eboni and Nina. Eboni has her own life, her own struggles. Jeff didn't play a hand at the darkness itching to the surface. Eboni has always been who is she today, without any of his influence. Then there's Nina. Sure, the killer considered fucking her on times he'd get horny- but his hand would always be better than making a yandere more attached.

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