Chapter Twentynine

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's now Sunday. Eboni has spent her weekend trapped in Jack's Infirmary with Jeff by her side almost 24/7. The teen wanted to address this, but she knows he'll just brush it off. She questions why he struggles to vocalize how he cares for her. In her mind it wouldn't be as difficult since his actions speak for him.

In all honesty, she finds the killer being reluctant to voice his emotions kinda cute. Though she'll never admit that out loud. Her eye has healed enough for her to open it. Her cut lip is healed as the bruise on her cheek is fading. Her ribs still ache as well as her ankle, but nothing is broken- so she can manage. Her hand though is going to take the longest to heal. The serum was enough to lessen how large the cut is, but it's still going to require stitching.

On the plus size, Eboni has gotten a chance to get to know Jack and BEN. They don't seem to bad, but BEN is a bit of a perv that's on drugs. If he offers Eboni another mystery pill, she swears to throw him into a tub full of ice cold water- other than that he's a good buddy to smoke weed with.

She found Jack to be interesting. His knowledge within the medical field is a bit surprising until he opened up on how he became what he is. A bit disheartening that slenderman played a part in it though, but he holds no grudges.

Right now both Eboni and BEN are playing mario cart on one of Jack's medical monitors. BEN of course hacked it so it could display the screen on his switch. The two have had three races, BEN winning all of them- Eboni in last place every time.

Eboni grabs her pillow, hitting the glitching demon multiple times upside his head. "The third fucking time!? And these maps are complete ass!"

"Ack! Aye! It's not my fault you suck at this shit! I thought you were a streamer!"

"In my free time, when I'm bored. I dont play Nintendo games you elf!"

"What games do you play?"

"Shooting games- Like Call of duty. It's fun pissing those gamer freaks off." She grins.

"Ugh- fine. I'll put one of those games in. What else do you play?"

"Cookin' momma and Any Just dance game."

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