Chapter Seventyfour

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Third POV

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Third POV

"She's okay right? You fixed her right?"

Jack gulps, not knowing how to break the news to him. Not only is Jeff possibly going to lose Eboni...but another life has been lose that no one even knew existed. The eyeless male looks at Jeff, a look of sorrow taking the smiling killer by surprise.

"Jeff we...I tried the best I could but-"

"But what Jack!? How is she!?" He shouts, feeling his heart grow heavier.

"The bullet...went straight through her head. It was...almost near impossible to stabilize her Jeff. But during operation...Nurse Ann found something and..." Jack trails off, noticing the crowd in the hall.

"And what!? FUCKING TALK!" Jeff shouts, voice in distress.

"She was pregnant, Jeff. We couldn't save the baby. The first bullet went straight through her sack carrying the underdeveloped fetus. She was a month and a half far off for us to identify the gender."

Jeff feels his heart drop to his stomach and his eyes grow wide. There's no way. How could Eboni be pregnant? She showed no signs, not even morning sickness. If anything, she suddenly began to consume more than usual but Jeff never paid much mind to it. A month and a half....that means they conceived on Christmas.

The smiling killer shakes his head, letting out a breathy laugh of disbelief. " fucking way."

"You're the only Male here who never had your procedure done. It was only a matter of time until you two conceived....but Jeff, there's more. Maybe you should si-"

"Fucking get on with it Jack!"

"She won't be able to have children. We had to remove her uterus. To damaged to keep." Jack explains, tensing that the dismay clouding Jeff's face.

He laugh, placing a hand over his eyes as his laughs become more painful. Jeff never wanted kids, that was the furthest from his mind. He had to admit, he didn't bother having protective sex. When brought to the mansion, Slenderman tried to explain that he'd have to have a procedure to ensure that no children would suddenly produce if he were to break the rule of no sleeping around.

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