Chapter Thirtyone

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Third POV

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Third POV

Eboni is standing near her bed, only dressed in Jeff's white hoodie. The killer on the other hand remains shirtless and in a pair of black skinny Jeans. He's sitting on the edge of her bed pissed out of his mind. Not only did his girl knee him, but her shitty friends are a bunch of cockblockers.

The smiling killer can't stop bouncing his leg, trying his best to cool down for Eboni's sake. Wait- scratch that, the teen will be getting a huge punishment once he's given a chance. Currently everyone us just staring at one another, Jeff's eyes mostly trained on how good Eboni looks in his hoodie. He'd make sure to have her wear it more often.

"So let me get this shit straight- ya' two just been fuckin' each other for fun? So like yall a thing now or?" Taylor questions, her lip quirk upward in disgust.

The two never spoke about dating. That wasn't their thing. They didn't need it to be their thing. Eboni knows how Jeff is and how he struggles to voice his emotions. Though she wouldn't mind them placing a label on what they have, but she respects Jeff enough to not being the topic up in conversation.

"No. We're just fuck buddies. Nothing more, nothing less." She shrugs, placing her hands on her hips.

Jeff looks up at her, tilting his head. He didn't like the way his heart clenched at her words. Sure, that's what they are- that's what he wants them to remain. But hearing it out loud, from Eboni, pisses him off- but he chooses to stay quiet, watching how all of this will play out.

"Tch, be right back." He said, walking to Eboni's bathroom and begins washing his hands and splashing cold water on his face in Hopes to calm his raging nerves.

"Mk...we'll get back ta' that topic lata'. You gotta loooota' shit to explain though! Going MIA on us while news keeps breakin' on Red Rida' gangs bein' killed left and righ'!"

The teen shrugs, moving to her dresser and grabs a rubberband to tie her afro into a afro puff. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell ya' do!" Taylor argue, storming over and pushes her slightly. "Any idea the shit I keep gettin'!?"

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