Chapter Twenty

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Third POV

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Third POV

Jeff is never one to feel jealousy. What reason would he have to be jealous of anything? Or anyone? Sure people had more than him. In highschool he'd never paid much thought to the other students and how easy it was for them to make friends. He didn't want friends. He wanted to go unnoticed by all, kept in the shadows to fight the monstrous feelings of murder growing within him.

Unfortunately his condition prevented such wishes. The killer was born with Albanism- a condition that causes lack of pigmentation with the skin & hair. Luckily he didn't have any eye problems nor sensitivity to light. However, the attention he gained with this always kept him in an irritable mood.

The killer resulted in dying his hair inky black and opting to wear blue eye contacts to hide his bright color eyes which are redish-pink in shade. These steps still didn't prevent the endless bullying & fighting.

Upon meeting Eboni, the killer couldn't help but relate to her. Her family was shit, school for her is shit, and she even shared her own skin condition. What drew the killer in was the fighting spirit mixed with this darkness hiding deep within her heart. Jeff only witnessed bits and pieces of that side surfacing but it wasn't enough.

He wants her to fully let go- embrace all the sick & twisted things she desires to do and want. But something is holding her back, he just can't place his finger on it. Maybe it's her humanity? Or that her new foster parents are hardly home- which gives her another sense of freedom. Perhaps it's her new friends.

Jeff doesn't mind them. Scratch that- he finds them annoying yet familiar, he just can't figure out what and that's what irks him. They're hiding something, both of them- something huge but so is Eboni. The smiling killer has thought of killing them, but that would risk upsetting his toy...not that he cared. As long as they don't hog up her time when he's available to see her. He loathes waiting after all.

Back to the jealousy topic. The reason this emotion was brought is due to the sight unfolding within Jeff's eyes. His toy...decided to dress completely different. The killer doesn't mind how the girl dresses, if he's around. He has to admit...Eboni looks fucking hot.

"Fuck..." he groans under his breath as he watches her walk into the school.

The frustrating thing are the many eyes staring at her, mostly guys eye-fucking her. This makes the killer furious. He wants nothing more than to gouge out all of their eyes. How dare they look at Eboni like they have a chance? They don't. Unfortunately they don't know this, so before he loses his school he pulls out his phone and begins texting her.

Jeff would glance up from afar, grinning at her reactions to his words. He loves the way she would squirms just from his words. The fact only he can get her like this was enough to calm his temper, only a bit. Because of this, he orders Eboni to meet her behind the school- needing to release some frustration from the night before.

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