Bonus: Helen & Eboni

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Third POV

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Third POV

Helen is a loner. He prefers it that way. His disorder makes it more difficult to to grow close to anyone, or gain a friend just to pass the time within the Slenderman mansion. Being alone has always been easier. He was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome. It's a developmental disorder that affects his ability to socialize & communicate.

School wasn't the best thanks to this disorder. He struggles to express his emotions even through facial expressions. Though, he thought he made a friend. Tom. He enjoyed their chats, and the short time they've spent together school- until his true colors were shown.

Tom betrayed him, in a sense. He befriended Helen out of pity, guilt. He pushed the bullies onto him instead of defending Helen when needed. He set Helen up for stealing a classmate's watch, forcing the attention into Helen instead of himself. It was a perfect plan, and it worked.

So they fought, until it gotten out of hand. Tom slipped over the railing on the school's roof. Helen tried to save him, but at the time he lacked in strength. He list his one and only friend.

But as time passed, he grew to realize- that was his karma. Tom betrayed him. He deserved to die.

He tried to continue through highscool. He tried to live a decent life. He tried to go unnoticed, but the bullying. The beatings. The degrading terms. Helen had enough. He managed to somehow slaughter everyone within his dorm, painting smiley faces.

Helen was caught and placed into a Psychord, giving another chance to live a normal light- unseen. He didn't take that opportunity. He faked his way through every test just to finish what he started. He had to repay his parents for his awful childhood.

Helen's parents never wanted him. They wanted a girl. They would dress the boy as a girl up until the age of six, when he started school. This confused him, and added to his mental stress and soon to be disorder.

Slenderman eventually caught the male, recruiting him to be one of his proxies. Helen didn't fight back. He had no place to go after all. Plus, he could still paint and draw to his heart's content.

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