Chapter Three

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Third POV

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Third POV

A week. A week into the new school and Eboni is currently sitting in the principal's office with a bloody knuckles and a few broken nails. It was only a matter of time before the girl fought one of her bullies, or maybe three at once. In her defense, they were weak as shit.

The first day of school was like any other. Students staring and pointing at the new girl. Pointing out her vitiligo and her mask. She didnt have enough time to flat iron her natural unruly curly hair either- so that only brought more attention. No surprise that the queen bee of the school picked a new target.

Eboni dealt with them for as long as she could, souly because she didnt want to deal with melissa- so she picked the lesser of two evils. That was until the queen bee, Emily, decided to dig into Eboni's past and out her hellish personal life to the whole school in the cafeteria.

It wasn't a surprise. Her father is loaded, owning all of the police stations in the town and his own police academy. Of course he wouldnt mind digging into a student's personal file just to please his only daughter- that spoiled rotten bitch.

Eboni doesnt remember much after that. Though from what the principal is shouting at her about, the teen yanked the girl to the ground and started beating her face in. Her two friends tried to pull her off, but Jasmine ended up dragging them into the beat down as well.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Principal webb questions, his face red from anger.

"Dont know, do enlighten me." Eboni said flatly. The teen doesnt remember much at all. She completely blacked out. One of her fits had took complete control.

"Not only did you nearly kill Emily, but you also severely beaten her two friends! On top of that you started cackling like some lunatic! Just wait until- here she is now."

Eboni didnt bother turning around to hear the office door slam shut and the burning glare from Melissa. She could only sigh from exhaustion. Mr. Webb crosses his arms over his chest, keeping his glare on the girl as well.

"Your daughter-"

"Foster daughter." Melissa corrects him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, Eboni will be suspend for two weeks. She should be grateful no one is pressing charges." Principle Webb said, moving to sit back at his desk. "That is all."

With that, melissa grabs Eboni as the teen stood from her sit- dragging her out the office and to her car. During the ride home, the woman didn't let up on Eboni. She threw all the hateful terms and slurs that could be given to one person at a time. The teen sat back, taking it all in and harboring it.

Once the two arrive home, Eboni is greeted with shameful looks from her siblings who are dressed in formal wear. The teen looks at her foster mother for an explanation. Melissa smiles, motioning for the others to get into the car.

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