Chapter Twentyfour

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Third POV

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Third POV

It's now day two of Eboni staying home from school. Her foster parents believed her and also would inform her therapist on taking a break for the week. Thrilled with this, Eboni decides to use this free time to her advantage.

She gave herself new piercings a bridge and eyebrow piercing. Eboni remembers showering Jeff with pictures of what she's done- and his reaction was a bit hilarious. The teen found it funny how the killers respond was if it hurt or not. It was such a normal reaction considering Jeff is a psychopath.

Speaking of Jeff, the killer has been texting her non stop- always asking if she's still breathing. An odd question- why wouldn't she be breathing? Clearly something is troubling him, but Eboni rather wait until they see each other again to ask in person.

The smiling killer has been busy with more missions. As the days passed, Eboni took note of the breaking news headlines of four more Red Riders gang members found dead. Taylor has been blowing up her phone because of this, and Eboni ignores her every time. She's surprised they havent shown up at her home yet.

The teen is currently making rice porridge while listening to the latest update on the gang members' death. "Still no leads. What a surprise." She said, rolling her eyes.

The fact that only Eboni knows that its Jeff committing these crimes, it still brings that twisted feeling of excitement. At this thought, she gets another text from the person of topic.

DD🖤🔪: *attachment sent* still breathing?

Eboni opens the message after finishing washing the dishes. She rolls her eyes but grins at the picture. It was Jeff in his classic white hoodie and ripped jeans- knife in hand. She takes a picture of her food and takes a rather revealing picture of herself to send him later.

E: uh, yeah. About to eat. *attachment sent*

DD🖤🔪: can cook?

E: yeah. My mom taught me the fundamentals and her recipes. Ran with it sense.

DD🖤🔪: save a bowel for me princess.

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