Chapter Eight

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Third POV

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Third POV

It took Eboni a month to heal from her stab wounds and be released from the hospital. During that time frame the police has been keeping a watchful eye on her in case jeff would try to strike again. Luckily for them, this new foster family lives on the far outskirts of the small town.

Jeff's MO is he attacks within the town not outside of it. So during that time, there has been no sightings of the smiling killer. During her month in the hospital, her new parents would come and visit her every day and stay for hours trying to get to know her. Of course the teen didnt make it easy for them.

Sure they seem loving and kind, but their in public. They may not be physically abusive, but who's to say they arent verbally? The detective say their the most trusted, these people must have scarred their previous foster kids to silence. Either way the teen was respectful, but still didnt share to much. Trust is earned, never given.

During the visit, they would show her pictures of her new home and even her room. The two seem pretty loaded. She didn't ask what were their occupations, Eboni personally didnt care. What did surpise her was the freedom she was given to completely redo two rooms that would be hers. She called bullshit and decided to test put just how rich and the amount if freedom she has.

Eboni picked out the most expensive things from flooring, bedding, a makeup stand with lighting and a mirror attached to ssid desk. As for the second room she transformed it to a gaming one. She wanted all high end to the latest gaming systems and the list if games she wanted for each system and including a PC set up. It was also full of stuffed animals and anime related merch.

After listing those demands, the foster parents went to work so their new daughter would be comfortable in her new home. They couldn't visit her as much that day which didn't bother Eboni. The teen still wanted to call their bluff. No one as ever went out of their way to spend thousands of dollars on her.

Yet when she was finally released, she was surpised to see all of her demands have been met. It almost filled her heart with happiness, almost. Even though she still didnt trust them, she decided respect them fully. Eboni is currently getting ready for her new school. Her parents gave her the address and even a new beautiful pink and white bike with a basket and cupholder attached.

Tiffany and Daniel had to fly overseas for their work so she'll be alone for about two weeks. She found it stupid since she's still technically on Jeff's hit list. Maybe they didnt want to perish like her other foster family.

Those thoughts were pushed aside once she makes it to the small beaten down school. She chains her bike next to the others. Tiffany had already given Eboni all she would need for this new school including her schedule. The teen walks through the double doors and straight to her first period located on the first floor.

Eboni ignored all the prying eyes staring at her. She figured this much would be expected. While in the hospital she had so many journalists and news reporters wanting to score an interview with Jeff's only survivor. She understands that shes deprived of attention, but this is pushing her buttons.

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