Chapter Five

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Third POV

"Just in time for your surprise!"

With each step he took down the stairs, caused Eboni to step back and melissa to crawl away. The teen knew excatly who this male was. His face is all over the news, well his deformed face. This wasnt a copycat- this is the real deal, but why does his face look semi normal? Almost handsome, almost.

"Jeff...Jeff the killer-", Eboni said in disbelief staring at him in awe. Why would this infamous serial killer stalk her?

"In the flesh." He grins, taking in Eboni's appearance before turning his attention back to melissa. "I never thought anyone would be dumb enough to move here of all places. Do you fuckers not do research anymore?"

At this point Eboni couldn't hold back her chuckle, letting melissa know she's there. He has a point, who would willingly move into a high crime volume neighborhood and into a serial killers former home? It is indeed stupid. The killer makes it down the stairs, yanking melissa up to her knees by her hair- causing her to cry out in pain. That makes jeff punch her.

"Shut up!!" He shouts, aggressively yanking her forward. "Loud bitch. Would've been offed your ass if I wasnt waitin' for her." He said, pointing his knife at me.

Melissa opens her eyes to look at me, not even bothering to hide her hatred for me within them. ""

"Tsk, that's not very nice." Jeff chuckles, japping the end handle of his knife to the woman's forehead- causing blood to spill from the freshly made wound.

"I''re only option in possibly making it out alive, and you still call me a fucking bitch?" Eboni laughs, shaking her head.

Melissa didnt say a word, closing her eyes once more before jeff hits her- singling her to keep them open. "Keep 'em open or I gut 'em out." Jeff warns.

"Wh-why...why are you doing this?" The woman questions through her cry.

Jeff grins, cackling again. "Why? Cause it's her birthday."

Eboni's heart tightens with an unknown emotion. He did this for her? He slaughtered her family just for her? She wasnt anything special. Why would this crazed man go out of his way just to murder the teen's foster family?

"Why?" She asked breathlessly, watching Jeff position his knife against melissa's throat.

"Dont play dumb." He warns. "Ya know I've been watching you- ever since you fuckers moved in. You wanted them dead, for a loooong time now, just never had the guts to do it huh?" Jeff taunts, his grin growing.

The glint in her eyes faded from his words. Sure she wanted them dead, but that would lead to a life on the run- and if caught a lifetime in jail. Eboni lowers herself to be at the same level at Melissa. She stares at the woman, memories of the teen's life with her flashing through her eyes.

"You're right. This bitch, this whole family has been nothing but a pain in the ass." Eboni grumbles, her mask hiding most of her facial expressions.

Melissa gasp, glaring at the teen. "We've been a pain in your ass? You've been nothing but the devil's spawn since I brought you in! You were nothing but an investment to make me look good! But no! You had to make us move! You no good waste of space piece of-"

The motion was quick. Eboni swiftly kicked melissa in her jaw so hard it knocked the woman out of Jeff's grip and to his feet. The teen cracks her neck as jeff places his foot over melissa's face. The killer lowers himself down, placing his blade against Melissa's throat- waiting for Eboni to give him the go.

With a nod jeff stabs the woman in her throat, gliding the blade across so deeply that he nearly decapitated her. Eboni pulls down her mask when their eyes meet, a sickening smile shown on her face.

"See you in hell." The teen said before Melissa's eyes became lifeless.

The smiling killer stands, tilting his blade upward towards Eboni. He laughs, "now it's your turn to sleep!"

Jeff moves to stab Eboni in her shoulder but she manages to dodge quickly grabbing her switchblade from her thigh- blocking his knife from stabbing her in the face. The killer's smike seems to grow wider as the glint in his eyes becomes brighter.

"Oh ho ho! The pretty pink princess does have some moves!"

His mock tone only fueled Eboni's will to kick this fuckers ass. She kicks him in his knee, giving her the chance to tackle him. Both of them wrestle around the floor, slashing at each others arms and legs. Eboni manages to stab him through his shoulder, now pissing the killer off. Jeff grabs her hair, banging her head on the ground as he stabs her twice in her stomach.

Eboni cries out, reaching to grab his hair. She head butts him, taking her knife and stand him in his abdomen twisting her blade. The teen yanks it out, pushing him off of her. Eboni grunts, holding an arm around her stomach as she slowly moves to stand. Jeff does the same, a hand over his own wound and knife held upward while the girl held hers downwards.

The two were about to charge at each other again but the sound of police sirens stops them. Jeff curses, giving Jasmine one last grin. "Til next time princess." He cackles, running out the back door.

The moment he leaves, the adrenaline pumping through the girl's veins quickly fades- causing her to feel to effects of her stab wounds. Eboni falls to her knees, coughing up a bit of blood before her head hits the ground. Her version becomes hazy, making her chuckle weakly. The teen never thought this would be how she went. Dead at the hands of her stalker who turns out to be the notorious Jeff the Killer.

She found this situation comical. Her first three weeks in this town and she and her foster family are dead. The only downside to Eboni was she'll end up as another number on the killer's hit list. She had hope he found get special, wanted her.

The last thing she sees are policemen rushing through her home trying to find jeff. She could feel her body being lifted onto a stretcher and rushed outside before slipping into unconsciousness. Well, at least one person remembered her birthday.





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