Chapter Fiftytwo

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Third POV

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Third POV

When everything settled, Eboni went to her room- opening her closet door. With a sigh of relief, Jeff is gone. Under any other circumstances, she would've wished that he stayed. But right now- that would be to risky. With Alex having her room bugged, things are going to become difficult and uncomfortable.

Right now Eboni is walking into a old video game store. Tiffany had given the teen another black card to buy whatever she wants- trying to make up for everything with money. The teen didn't care much about crap like that. The only thing that matters to her is Jeff. Though, nothing wrong with treating herself from time to time.

However, Eboni isn't here for that. She glances around the store, noticing a old Wii hooked into a busy looking tv located at the back of the store. She glances around before turning it on, smiling a bit at the game at appears on the screen. A rather corrupt copy of the legend of zelda.

She begins playing the game, messing up on almost everything on purpose. Soon the game begins to glitch, BEN flashing on the screen. The teen smiles, noticing how BEN attempts to try and jump scare her to no avail.

"Oh cut the crap and come out. I need to talk to you, its important."

That seem to trigger BEN into realizing who's playing the game. The lights within the old shop begins to flicker as the screen to the old tv morphs- BEN's head poking out of it.

"Eboni? Didn't take you as one to be interested in vintage games. Nor dumb enough to play a clearly haunted game." He snickers.

"Watch it Elf. I need a favor."

" sound to much like Jeff, but go ahead I'm listening. could've just reached me from your phone."

"Did you forget that the cops has it already? What the hell are you on?"

"Xanax. Lil' bit of weed. I was about to do a line of cr-"

"Fucking junkie. Anyways, Imma need you to follow me using the wires outside. I'm going to Luna's place."

"The witch's place? Why?"

"Long story. I'll explain later. I'm sure Luna has some spell or shit around her house to keep beings like you out. I just need you to get a good look at her address, and hang back for a bit. When Luna spell is down just a bit for you to come in, then do it. I'll explain more later. Can you do that?"

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